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Über Swiss Prime Site AG
- Swiss Prime Site AG ist aktuell aktiv und in der Branche Betreiben von übrigen Finanzinstitutionen tätig. Der Sitz liegt in Zug.
- Die Firma wurde am 11.05.1999 gegründet und hat 45 Personen im Management.
- Unter Meldungen finden Sie alle Handelsregisteränderung, die letzte erfolgte am 27.02.2025.
- Die UID der Firma lautet CHE-101.080.841.
- In der Datenbank des IGE befinden sich momentan 56 Marken oder Gesuche der Firma Swiss Prime Site AG.
- Unternehmen mit derselben Adresse wie Swiss Prime Site AG: Akara Property Development 1 KmGK, Akara Property Development AG, FG Promotion XII AG.
Management (45)
neueste Verwaltungsräte
Dr. Detlef Andreas Trefzger,
Thomas Blasius Studhalter,
Reto Jürg Conrad,
Brigitte Walter,
Barbara A. Knoflach
neuste Zeichnungsberechtigte
Jonas Guido Herzig,
Christian Gätzi,
Olivier Wolf,
Patrick Djizmedjian,
Sandra Tommer Hirt
Eintrag ins Handelsregister
Rechtssitz der Firma
Betreiben von übrigen Finanzinstitutionen
Zweck der Gesellschaft ist die direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung an Unternehmen aller Art, in erster Linie an Unternehmungen mit Sitz in der Schweiz. Auch die direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung an Unternehmen mit Sitz im Ausland ist vom Zweck der Gesellschaft umfasst. Die Gesellschaft kann Unternehmungen in der Schweiz und im Ausland gründen, sich an bestehenden Unternehmungen mehr- oder minderheitlich beteiligen und sie finanzieren. Die Gesellschaft kann im übrigen alle Geschäfte tätigen und Rechtshandlungen vornehmen, die bestimmt oder geeignet sind, das Unternehmen zu entwickeln, den Gesellschaftszweck zu fördern oder diesen zu erleichtern. Zur Erreichung ihres Zwecks kann die Gesellschaft auch Fremdmittel aufnehmen. Die Gesellschaft kann Zweigniederlassungen in der Schweiz und im Ausland errichten. Bei der Verfolgung ihres Gesellschaftszwecks strebt die Gesellschaft die Schaffung von langfristigem, nachhaltigem Wert an.
Aktive Revisionsstelle (1)
Name | Ort | Seit | Bis | |
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG | Zürich | 03.04.2023 |
Frühere Revisionsstelle (3)
Name | Ort | Seit | Bis | |
KPMG AG | Zürich | 30.10.2009 | 02.04.2023 | |
BDO AG | Zürich | 04.05.2005 | 10.09.2015 | |
KPMG Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler SA in Liquidation | Zürich | <2004 | 29.10.2009 |
Weitere Firmennamen
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Marke | Eintragungsdatum | Status | Nummer |
DESTINATION JELMOLI | 19.02.2025 | aktiv | 02288/2025 |
zur Marke | 22.08.2023 | aktiv | 10085/2023 |
Neueste SHAB-Meldungen: Swiss Prime Site AG
Neueste Meldungen vom Schweizerischen Handelsamtsblatt (SHAB) sind nur in der Originalsprache des jeweiligen Handelsregisteramtes verfügbar. Alle Meldungen ansehen
Publikationsnummer: HR02-1006269040, Handelsregister-Amt Zug, (170)
Swiss Prime Site AG, in Zug, CHE-101.080.841, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 38 vom 25.02.2025, Publ. 1006266558).
Aktienkapital neu:
CHF 160'468'750.00 [bisher: CHF 154'615'092.00].
Liberierung Aktienkapital neu:
CHF 160'468'750.00 [bisher: CHF 154'615'092.00].
Aktien neu:
80'234'375 vinkulierte Namenaktien zu CHF 2.00 [bisher: 77'307'546 vinkulierte Namenaktien zu CHF 2.00]. Ordentliche Kapitalerhöhung innerhalb des Kapitalbandes.
Publikationsnummer: HR02-1006266558, Handelsregister-Amt Zug, (170)
Swiss Prime Site AG, in Zug, CHE-101.080.841, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 182 vom 19.09.2024, Publ. 1006133347).
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
Herzig, Jonas, von Lotzwil, in Mellingen, Zeichnungsberechtigter, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien.
Publikationsnummer: UP04-0000006724, Handelsregister-Amt Zug
Category: Notifications issued to company members/nSub-category: Invitation to the General Meeting/nPublication date: SHAB 11.02.2025/nPublicly viewable until: 11.02.2026/nPublication number: UP04-0000006724/nPublishing entity/nSwiss Prime Site AG, Poststrasse 4a.
6300 Zug/nInvitation to the ordinary general meeting Swiss/nPrime Site AG/nOrganisation concerned:
/nSwiss Prime Site AG/nCHE-101.080.841/nPoststrasse 4a/n6300 Zug/nGeneral meeting details:/n13.03.2025, 16.00 Uhr, Theater Casino Zug, Artherstrasse 4.
6300 Zug/nInvitation/Agenda:
/nInvitation to the shareholders of Swiss Prime/nSite AG/n25th ordinary Annual General Meeting/nThursday, 13 March 2025, 16.00/nPlease find the complete invitation in the/nattached PDF./nRemarks:/nDeadline for registration is 11 March 2025./nI N VITATI O N/n2025/nTO T H E S H A R E H O L D E R S/nO F S W I S S P R I M E S I T E AG/n2 5 T H ? O R D I N A R Y A N N U A L G E N E R A L M E E T I N G/n2/nThursday,/n13 March 2025/n4 pm | Doors open at 3 pm/nTheater Casino Zug | Artherstrasse 4 | CH-6300 Zug/n3/nREPORT/n2024/nA N N U A L R E P O R T/nREVIEW/n2024/nA N N U A L M AG A Z I N E/nFAC T S A N D F I G U R E S/nThe year 2024/nin figures/nPAG E 8/nM A N AG E M E N T/nI N T E R V I E W/nIn conversation with/nthe Executive Board/nPAG E 10/nSTO R I E S T H AT/nM OV E U S/nStücki Park II -/nA little more/nlaboratory!/nPAG E 28/nFAC T S/nKey financial and non-financial/nfacts and figures/nPAG E 42/nDear Shareholders/nThe past year has shown/njust how well we can use/nour potential. With the/nfurther focussing of our/nportfolio and the acquisition/nof Fundamenta, we have/nundertaken important/nstrategic steps to comple-/nment our two-pillar/nstrategy - and achieved/ngood results./nALL RELEVANT/nINFORMATION ON THE/n2024 FINANCIAL YEAR/nTon Büchner/nChairman/n4/nAgenda items and proposals/nof the Board of Directors/n1/nApproval of the operational and financial management report of Swiss Prime Site/nAG, the annual financial statements of Swiss Prime Site AG and the consolidated/nfinancial statements for the 2024 financial year, and adoption of the auditor's/nreports/nThe Board of Directors proposes the approval of the operational and financial management/nreport of Swiss Prime Site AG, the annual financial statements of Swiss Prime Site AG and/nthe consolidated financial statements for the 2024 financial year, and adoption of the audi-/ntor's reports./n Explanatory note/nUnder Art. 698?(2)?(3), (4) and Art. 728b?(2)?(4) of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) and/nthe Articles of Association of Swiss Prime Site AG, the general meeting is responsible for/nthe approval of the operational and financial management report, the annual financial state-/nments of Swiss Prime Site AG and the consolidated financial statements of Swiss Prime Site/nAG for the 2024 financial year, and adoption of the auditor's reports. Approval of the annu-/nal financial statements is required for the resolution on the appropriation of balance sheet/nprofit, in particular with regard to determining the dividend./n2/nConsultative vote on the Swiss Prime Site AG report on non-financial/nissues for the 2024 financial year/nThe Board of Directors recommends that the report on non-financial issues for the 2024/nfinancial year be approved in a consultative vote./nExplanatory note/nIn concert with Art. 964a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, Swiss Prime Site is obliged to/nprepare a report on non-financial issues. The Annual General Meeting is responsible for/napproving this report in a consultative vote./n5/n3/nConsultative vote on the Compensation Report for the 2024 financial year/nThe Board of Directors recommends that the Compensation Report for the 2024 financial/nyear be approved in a non-binding consultative vote and that the auditor's report be adopted./nExplanatory note/nUnder the Articles of Association of Swiss Prime Site AG, the Board of Directors submits/nthe Compensation Report for the 2024 financial year to the shareholders for a consultative/nvote. The Compensation Report sets out the principles governing the compensation of the/nBoard of Directors and the Executive Board. It also provides details of the compensation/npaid to the members of both bodies for the 2024 financial year. The Compensation Report/nis part of the Annual Report./n4/nDischarge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for the 2024/nfinancial year/nThe Board of Directors recommends that its members and the members of the Executive/nBoard be discharged from their responsibility for the conduct of business in the 2024 finan-/ncial year./nExplanatory note/nPursuant to Art. 698(2)(7) CO and the Articles of Association of Swiss Prime Site AG, the/ngeneral meeting is responsible for discharging the members of the Board of Directors and/nthe Executive Board./n6/n5/nAdoption of resolutions on the appropriation of balance sheet profit, distribution/nof an ordinary dividend and a withholding tax-exempt distribution from capital/ncontribution reserves/nThe Board of Directors proposes a total distribution to shareholders of CHF 3.45 gross/n(CHF 2.846 net) per registered share entitled to dividends. This is composed of an ordinary/ndividend from the balance sheet profit of CHF 1.725 gross per registered share (CHF 1.121/nnet after deduction of 35% withholding tax) and a withholding tax-exempt distribution from/ncapital contribution reserves of CHF 1.725 per registered share (excluding registered shares/ndirectly and indirectly held by the Company). Based on the stock of 514 treasury shares, the/namount scheduled for distribution is CHF 266'709'260.40./nThe Board of Directors recommends the following appropriation of the balance sheet profit:/nDistribution of an ordinary dividend and a withholding tax-exempt distribution from capital/ncontribution reserves./n7/nDistribution of an ordinary dividend/nBalance brought forward CHF 459'622'897.77/nAnnual result CHF 246'345'930.00/nBalance sheet profit CHF 705'968'827.77/nTransfer to other statutory retained earnings CHF 0/nTransfer to voluntary retained earnings CHF 0/nDividend payment CHF - 133'354'630.20 1/nBalance brought forward to new account CHF 572'614'197.57/nDistribution from capital contribution reserves/nCapital contribution reserves as at 31.12.2024 CHF 762'646'163.45/nDistribution from capital contribution reserves CHF - 133'354'630.20 1/nBalance brought forward to new account CHF 629'291'533.25/n1? This amount is based on the 77'307'032 registered shares issued as at 4 ?February 2025 and the stock of/n514 treasury shares. In the event of share conversions from the outstanding convertible bonds or changes in/nthe number of shares held by the Company, this amount will be modified accordingly when the distribution is/nmade./nThe proposed dividend and the withholding tax-exempt distribution from capital contribution/nreserves will be paid on 25?March 2025 in the amount of CHF 2.846 net per registered share/nentitled to dividends./nExplanatory note/nUnder Art. 698?(2)?(4) CO and the Articles of Association of Swiss Prime Site AG, the gen-/neral meeting is responsible for the adoption of resolutions on the appropriation of balance/nsheet profit, in particular with regard to determining the dividend./n8/n6/nApproval of the remuneration for the Board of Directors and the Executive Board/nUnder Article 698(3)(4) CO and the Articles of Association of Swiss Prime Site AG, each/nyear the Annual General Meeting of shareholders has a binding vote on the maximum over-/nall compensation paid to members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for/nthe current financial year./n6.1 Compensation of the Board of Directors/nThe Board of Directors recommends that compensation to its members up to a maximum/nof CHF 1'800'000.00 be approved for the 2025 financial year./nExplanatory note/nThe maximum amount recommended here comprises the basic director's fee paid to each/nBoard member and the compensation payable to members of Board committees and is/ncomposed of fixed compensation in cash, share-based compensation and social security/ncontributions./n6.2 Compensation of executive management (Executive Board)/nThe Board of Directors
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