    Controlla solvibilità Timeline
    Controlla solvibilitàSolvibilità
    N° registro commercio: CH-
    Ramo economico: Esercizio di una società partecipate

    Età dell'azienda

    18 anni

    Fatturato in CHF


    Capitale in CHF

    56,2 Mio.



    Marchi attivi


    Informazioni su RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA

    *le informazioni visualizzate sono esempi

    Dati di solvibilità

    Valutazione della solvibilità con semaforo come indicatore del rischio e ulteriori informazioni sull'azienda.
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    Informazioni economiche

    Informazione completa sulla situazione economica di un'azienda.
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    Tempestività di pagamento

    Valutazione della tempestività di pagamento sulla base di fatture passate.
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    Estratto dell'ufficio di esecuzione

    Panoramica delle procedimenti esecutivi attuali e passati.
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    Informazioni sulle partecipazioni

    Scoprite in quali società nazionali e internazionali la società per azioni che vi interessa detiene ancora delle partecipazioni.
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    Dossier aziendale come PDF

    Informazioni di contatto, cambiamenti nella azienda, cifre sul fatturato e sui dipendenti, gestione, proprietà, struttura azionaria e altri dati aziendali.
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    • RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA a Genève è una Società anonima nel ramo «Esercizio di una società partecipate». RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA è attiva.
    • La dirigenza dell’azienda RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA fondata il 20.03.2007 è composta da 6 persone.
    • L’azienda ha cambiato la propria iscrizione nel registro di commercio da ultimo il 25.07.2024. Tutte le precedenti iscrizioni nel registro di commercio sono disponibili su “Comunicati”.
    • L’IDI segnalata è la seguente: CHE-113.516.874.
    • Aziende con lo stesso indirizzo: Association Genilem, Association Health Innovation and Investment Exchange, Atopia Therapeutics SA.

    Informazioni sul registro di commercio

    Fonte: FUSC

    Ramo economico

    Esercizio di una società partecipate

    Scopo (Lingua originale)

    La recherche, le développement, la production et la vente de produits dans les domaines de la biotechnologie, de la pharmacie, du diagnostic, de la thérapie ainsi que l'achat, la vente et l'exploitation de brevets et de licences dans ce domaine. La Société peut s'engager dans tous types de transactions qui semblent appropriées pour promouvoir le but de la Société ou qui y sont lies, y compris l'acquisition, la détention, la gestion, l'aliénation et le financement de participations directes ou indirectes dans des sociétés de toute sorte en Suisse et à l'étranger, en particulier dans le domaine de la fourniture de services précliniques, cliniques et règlementaires, ainsi que pour la conception économique et scientifique d'approches et de solutions concernant le traitement de maladies, d'indications médicales et de traitement thérapeutiques. La Société peut s'engager dans toute autre activité commerciale, financière ou autre, susceptible de favoriser le but de la Société ou qui sont en rapport direct ou indirect avec son but social. Elle peut en particulier accorder des prêts, des garanties et toute sorte de sûretés, ainsi que fournir toute autre forme de financement afin de garantir des obligations de sociétés du groupe. La Société peut créer des succursales et des filiales en Suisse et à l'étranger, prendre des participations dans d'autres sociétés et gérer, exploiter et aliéner des immeubles et des droits de propriété intellectuelle en Suisse ou à l'étranger.

    Modifica lo scopo dell'azienda con pochi clic.

    Revisori dei conti

    Fonte: FUSC

    Collegio dei revisori attuale (1)
    Nome Luogo Dal Al
    Vernier 16.06.2017

    Vuole modificare i revisori dei conti? Clicca qui.

    Collegio dei revisori precedente (3)
    Nome Luogo Dal Al
    PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
    Zürich 05.06.2015 15.06.2017
    Ernst & Young AG
    Basel 25.06.2013 04.06.2015
    PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
    Basel 26.03.2007 24.06.2013

    Altri nomi dell'azienda

    Fonte: FUSC

    Nomi dell'azienda precedenti e tradotti

    • THERAMetrics holding Ltd.
    • THERAMetrics holding SA
    • THERAMetrics holding AG
    • mondoBIOTECH holding AG
    • mondoRPHAN AG
    • i-mondo AG
    Desidera modificare il nome dell'azienda? Clicca qui.

    Succursale (0)

    Assetto proprietario

    Non siamo al corrente di nessun assetto proprietario.


    Non siamo al corrente di nessuna partecipazione.

    Ultimi comunicati FUSC: RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA

    Le comunicazioni aggiornate del foglio ufficiale svizzero di commercio (FUSC) sono disponibili solo nella lingua originale dell’Ufficio del Registro di commercio. Visualizza tutti comunicati

    FUSC 240725/2024 - 25.07.2024
    Categorie: Cambiamento nella dirigenza

    Numero di pubblicazione: HR02-1006094332, Ufficio del registro di commercio Ginevra, (660)

    RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA, à Genève, CHE-113.516.874 (FOSC du 14.05.2024, p. 0/1006032049). Lock Michelle n'est plus administrateur;
    ses pouvoirs sont radiés. Meinen Jeremy jusqu'ici avec une signature collective à deux signe désormais individuellement.

    FUSC 240603/2024 - 03.06.2024
    Categorie: Altri cambiamenti

    Numero di pubblicazione: UP04-0000006372, Ufficio del registro di commercio Ginevra

    "Category: Notifications issued to company members/nSub-category: Invitation to the General Meeting/nPublication date: SHAB 03.06.2024/nPublicly viewable until: 03.06.2026/nPublication number: UP04-0000006372/nPublishing entity/nRELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA, avenue de Sécheron 15.

    1202 Genève/nInvitation to the ordinary general meeting RELIEF/nTHERAPEUTICS Holding SA/nOrganisation concerned:
    /nRELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA/nCHE-113.516.874/navenue de Sécheron 15/n1202 Genève/nGeneral meeting details:/n27.06.2024, 11.00 Uhr, Campus Biotech, chemin des Mines 9.

    1202 Genève/nInvitation/Agenda:
    /n1. Approval of the Annual Report 2023, Statutory Financial Statements and Consolidated/nFinancial Statements for the Financial Year 2023/n2. Appropriation of Results/n3. Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee/n4.1 Vote on the compensation of the Board of Directors/n4.2 Vote on the remuneration of the Executive Committee/n4.3 Consultative vote on the 2023 Compensation Report/n5.1 Re-election of the current members of the Board of Directors/n5.2 Re-election of the Chairman of the Board of Directors/n5.3 Re-election and election of new members of the Nomination and Compensation/nCommittee/n5.4 Re-election of the Independent Voting Rights Representative/n5.5 Re-election of the Auditors/nTo the Shareholders of RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA:/nInvitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting/nof RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA/nThursday, 27 June 2024.

    00 a.m. CEST (door opening: 10:30 a.m. CEST)/nat Campus Biotech, chemin des Mines 9, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland/nThe Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA (the ""Company"") will be/nheld in accordance with article 9 and subsequent articles of the Articles of Association on Thursday, 27 June/n2024.

    at 11:
    00 a.m. CEST at Campus Biotech, chemin des Mines 9, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland./nAgenda Items and Proposals of the Board of Directors/n1. Approval of the Annual Report 2023, Statutory Financial Statements and Consolidated/nFinancial Statements for the Financial Year 2023/nThe Board of Directors proposes the approval of the annual report 2023, the statutory financial statements/nand the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2023./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 698 para. 2 al. 3 and 4 of the Swiss Code of Obligations (""CO""), the General/nMeeting is responsible for approving the annual report, the statutory financial statements and the/nconsolidated financial statements./n2. Appropriation of Results/nThe Board of Directors proposes to carry forward the loss for the financial year 2023 of CHF 39'943'547./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 698 para. 2 al. 4 CO, the General Meeting is responsible for the/nappropriation of results./n3. Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee/nThe Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting grants discharge to all current and former/nmembers of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee for the financial year 2023./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 698 para. 2 al. 7 CO, the General Meeting is responsible for the discharge/nresolution. The resolution for discharge presented to this General Meeting for the financial year 2023 serves/nas a supplementary action. It follows the initial discharge granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting/nheld on 26 April 2024, which occurred prior to the publication of the Company's 2023 annual report./n4. Votes on the compensation of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Executive/nCommittee/nThe Board of Directors proposes a separate vote on the compensation of the Board of Directors and of the/nExecutive Committee. The 2023 compensation report is included in the 2023 annual report, which can be/naccessed on the Company's website at www.relieftherapeutics.com./n4.1. Binding vote on the total compensation of the members of the Board of Directors for the period/nfrom the Annual General Meeting 2024 until the Annual General Meeting 2025/nThe Board of Directors proposes the approval of a maximum amount of CHF 1'000'000 (both fixed and/nvariable compensation, including stock options and other benefits, but excluding employer social security/ncontributions) for the members of the Board of Directors for the period from the Annual General Meeting/n2024 until the Annual General Meeting 2025./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 698 para. 3 al. 4 CO, the General Meeting is responsible for approving the/nmaximum compensation of the Board of Directors. The compensation of the Board of Directors is/ndetermined based on discretionary economic considerations and may be delivered in cash and in the form/nof options. A description of the Company's compensation principles and amounts for the members of the/nBoard of Directors can be found in the 2023 compensation report./n4.2. Binding vote on the total remuneration of the members of the Executive Committee for the financial/nyear 2025/nThe Board of Directors proposes the approval of a maximum total compensation of CHF 4'000'000 (both/nfixed and variable compensation, including stock options and other benefits, but excluding employer social/nsecurity contributions) for the members of the Executive Committee for the financial year 2025./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 698 para. 3 al. 4 CO, the General Meeting is responsible for approving the/nmaximum remuneration of the Executive Committee. The compensation of the members of the Executive/nCommittee consists of a fixed remuneration, a potential variable remuneration, and other benefits. A/ndescription of the Company's compensation principles and amounts for the members of the Executive/nCommittee can be found in the 2023 compensation report./n4.3. Consultative vote on the 2023 Compensation Report/nThe Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting approves, on a consultative basis, the/ncompensation report for the financial year 2023./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 735 para. 3 al. 4 CO, the Board of Directors submits the compensation/nreport to the General Meeting for a consultative vote./n5. Elections/n5.1. Re-election of the current members of the Board of Directors/nThe Board of Directors proposes the re-election of the following members of the Board of Directors for/nanother term of office that will end for all members with the closure of the next Annual General Meeting./nThe re-elections will be held individually./na) Re-election of Dr. Raghuram Selvaraju/nb) Re-election of Ms. Michelle Lock/nc) Re-election of Mr. Peter de Svastich/nd) Re-election of Mr. Gregory Van Beek/ne) Re-election of Mr.

    Thomas Elzinga/nExplanation:
    Pursuant to article 698 para. 2 al. 2 CO, the General Meeting is responsible for the elections of/nthe members of the Board of Directors. Biographical details on the candidates are provided in the 2023/nannual report and on the Company's website at www.relieftherapeutics.com./n5.2. Re-election of the Chairman of the Board of Directors/nThe Board of Directors proposes the re-election of Dr. Raghuram Selvaraju as Chairman of the Board of/nDirectors for a term of office that will end with the closure of the next Annual General Meeting./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 698 para. 3 al. 1 CO, the General Meeting is responsible for the above/nelection./n5.3. Re-election and election of new members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee/nThe Board of Directors proposes the election of Mr. Peter de Svastich and the re-election of Dr. Raghuram/nSelvaraju as members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee for a term of office which will end/nwith the closure of the next Annual General Meeting. The elections will be held individually./nExplanation: Pursuant to article 698 para. 3 al. 2 CO, the General Meeting is responsible for the above/nelection. The elections of the members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee are held/nindividually./n5.4. Re-election of the Independent Voting Rights Representative/nThe Board of Directors proposes the re-election of Mr. Thomas Hua, esq., partner at gbf Avocats SA, Route/nde Pré-Bois 20, 1215 Genève Aéroport, Switzerland, as independent proxy holder of the Company for the/nnext term "

    FUSC 240514/2024 - 14.05.2024
    Categorie: Cambiamento del capitale, Cambiamento nella dirigenza

    Numero di pubblicazione: HR02-1006032049, Ufficio del registro di commercio Ginevra, (660)

    RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA, à Genève, CHE-113.516.874 (FOSC du 07.09.2023, p. 0/1005833513). Capital-actions réduit de CHF 56'163'348 à CHF 1'404'083, 70 pour supprimer un excédent de passif constaté au bilan, par réduction de la valeur nominale des 14'040'837 actions de CHF 4 à CHF 0.10.

    CHF 1'404'083, 70, entièrement libéré, divisé en 14'040'837 actions de CHF 0.10, nominatives. Suppression de la clause relative à la marge de fluctuation du capital en application de l'art. 653v al. 1 CO. L'assemblée générale a supprimé le 26.04.2024 les clauses statutaires relatives à l'augmentation du capital au moyen d'un capital conditionnel introduites par décision du 28.04.2023. L'assemblée générale a introduit deux clauses statutaires relatives à l'augmentation du capital-actions au moyen d'un capital conditionnel par décision du 26.04.2024 (pour les détails, voir les statuts). L'assemblée générale a introduit une clause statutaire relative à une marge de fluctuation du capital-actions par décision du 26.04.2024;
    pour les détails, voir les statuts (art. 3a ter). Statuts modifiés le 26.04.2024, ainsi que sur des points non soumis à publication. Plitz Thomas et Jean Patrice P. ne sont plus administrateurs;
    leurs pouvoirs sont radiés. Meinen Jeremy est maintenant domicilié à Zug.

    Nouveaux administrateurs:
    De Svastich Peter, des USA, à New York, USA, Elzinga Thomas, des USA, à New York, USA, et Van Beek Gregory, des USA, à New York, USA, tous avec signature collective à deux.

    Lista dei risultati

    Qui trovate un link della dirigenza ad una lista di persone con lo stesso nome, che sono registrate nel registro di commercio.
