Reports for SI Rue du Loup 18 SA
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About SI Rue du Loup 18 SA
- SI Rue du Loup 18 SA from Genève operates in the sector «Management of real estate portfolio properties» and is active.
- The company was founded on 12.08.1970.
- The company has last modified its commercial register entry on 08.12.2020. All previous commercial register entries are available under «Notifications».
- The reported UID is the following: CHE-103.326.562.
- Acquella SA, Caldea SA, Domimmo Sàrl have the same address as SI Rue du Loup 18 SA.
Commercial register information
Entry in the commercial register
Legal form
Company limited by shares (AG)
Legal headquarters of the company
Commercial Registry Office
Commercial register number
Management of real estate portfolio properties
Purpose (Original language)
Achat, vente, construction et gérance de tous immeubles en Suisse.
Current auditor (1)
Name | City | Since | Until | |
SOFIGEST SA | Genève | 10.11.2011 |
Former auditor (1)
Name | City | Since | Until | |
Finova Genève SA | Genève | <2004 | 09.11.2011 |
Other company names
Past and translated company names
- SI Rue du Loup 18
Branches (0)
Ownership structure
Newest SOGC notifications: SI Rue du Loup 18 SA
The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications
Publication number: HR02-1005042516, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)
SI Rue du Loup 18 SA, à Genève, CHE-103.326.562 (FOSC du 22.07.2019, p. 0/1004681588).
Raison sociale:
SI Rue du Loup 18 SA. Radiation de la mention relative à l'art. 176 ORC. Conversion des 50 actions de CHF 1'000, jusqu'ici au porteur, en actions nominatives.
CHF 50'000, entièrement libéré, divisé en 50 actions de CHF 1'000, nominatives.
Communication aux actionnaires:
pli recommandé, courrier simple, fax, courriel ou autre moyen de communication électronique. Nouveaux statuts du 26.11.2020.
Publication number: HR02-1004681588, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)
SI Rue du Loup 18 SA, à Genève, CHE-103.326.562 (FOSC du 16.04.2019, p. 0/1004612252). Les administrateurs Eichmuller Frédéric, président et Eichmuller Fabian signent désormais individuelle;
leurs pouvoirs sont modifiés en ce sens.
Publication number: HR02-1004612252, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)
SI Rue du Loup 18 SA, à Genève, CHE-103.326.562 (FOSC du 06.06.2018, p. 0/4273255). Les pouvoirs de Solari Philippe sont radiés.
Nouvelle adresse:
Chemin de Grange-Canal 21, c/o Grange & Cie SA, 1208 Genève.
Autre adresse:
Case Postale 6180, 1211 Genève 6.
Hit list
Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.