• SFF Arts graphiques SA

    Check credit rating Timeline
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    Register number: CH-550.0.070.795-4
    Sector: Operation of other financial institutions

    Age of the company

    101 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF




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    Reports for SFF Arts graphiques SA

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    Company dossier as PDF

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    About SFF Arts graphiques SA

    • SFF Arts graphiques SA has its legal headquarters in Pully, is active and operates in the sector «Operation of other financial institutions».
    • The management consists of 3 persons. The company was founded on 28.12.1923.
    • Under «Notifications» you can see all modifications to the commercial register entry. The most recent modification was on 07.02.2024.
    • The company SFF Arts graphiques SA is registered under the UID CHE-103.332.367.
    • Fondation Edouard et Maurice Sandoz, Fondation Philanthropique Famille Sandoz, Lansim S.A. are registered at the same address.

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Operation of other financial institutions

    Purpose (Original language)

    La société a pour but la prise de participations dans toutes sociétés, notamment dans le domainedes arts graphiques (pour but complet cf. statuts).

    Customise the company purpose with just a few clicks.


    Source: SOGC

    Current auditor (1)
    Name City Since Until
    Ofisa Berney Associés SA
    Lausanne <2004

    Would you like to adjust the auditors? Click here.

    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Past and translated company names

    • ICL imprimerie centrale S.A.
    • ICL imprimerie centrale SA
    • Imprimerie Centrale Lausanne SA
    Would you like to update the company name? Click here.

    Branches (0)

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.

    Newest SOGC notifications: SFF Arts graphiques SA

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 240207/2024 - 07.02.2024
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005955293, Commercial Registry Office Vaud, (550)

    SFF Arts graphiques SA, à Pully, CHE-103.332.367 (FOSC du 05.12.2022, p. 0/1005619935). Stojanovic Branka n'est plus administratrice;
    sa signature est radiée. Maillard Michel, de et à Siviriez, est membre du conseil d'administration avec signature individuelle.

    SOGC 221205/2022 - 05.12.2022
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005619935, Commercial Registry Office Vaud, (550)

    SFF Arts graphiques SA, à Pully, CHE-103.332.367 (FOSC du 25.02.2022, p. 0/1005415067). Neveu Thomas, qui n'est plus administrateur et dont la signature est radiée, engage désormais la société par sa procuration collective à deux, avec un administrateur. Stojanovic Branka, de Yverdon-les-Bains, à Lausanne, est membre du conseil d'administration avec signature individuelle. Procuration collective à deux, avec un administrateur, est conférée à Bouvet Laurent, de Carouge (GE), à Plan-les-Ouates.

    SOGC 220225/2022 - 25.02.2022
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005415067, Commercial Registry Office Vaud, (550)

    SFF Arts graphiques SA, à Pully, CHE-103.332.367 (FOSC du 10.02.2022, p. 0/1005402653). Schiesser Fridolin, dit Fritz n'est plus administrateur;
    sa signature est radiée. Neveu Thomas signe désormais individuellement.

    Hit list

    Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.
