• Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation

    in liquidation
    Check credit rating Timeline
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    Register number: CH-626.3.004.941-5
    Sector: Fund management

    Age of the company

    25 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF




    Active brands


    Reports for Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation

    *displayed reports are examples

    Credit rating information

    Evaluation of credit rating with traffic light as risk indicator and other helpful data about the company.
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    Payment behaviour

    Assessment of the payment behaviour based on past invoices.
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    Payment collection information

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    Company dossier as PDF

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    About Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation

    • Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation with its legal headquarters in Sion is a Company limited by shares (AG) from the sector «Fund management». Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation is in liquidation.
    • The management of the company Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation, which was founded on the 09.11.1999, consists of 0 persons.
    • All modifications to the commercial register entry can be found under «Notifications». The most recent modification was made on 22.05.2020.
    • Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation is registered in the Canton of VS under the UID CHE-105.292.017.


    No managers have been registered.

    Source: SOGC

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Fund management

    Purpose (Original language)

    Acheter, vendre, souscrire, investir, échanger ou acquérir de toute autre manière, détenir, gérer, développer, traiter des obligations, actions, titres, options, matières premières, métaux précieux, diamants, opérations d'achat et de vente à terme, des futures, des titres gouvernementaux, étatiques, municipaux, d'autorités publiques ainsi que de compagnies publiques et privées du monde entier et tous autres instruments financiers similaires

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    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Past and translated company names

    • Private Finance Partners SA
    Would you like to update the company name? Click here.

    Branches (0)

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 200522/2020 - 22.05.2020
    Categories: Change of company address

    Publication number: HR02-1004895026, Commercial Registry Office Valais, (626)

    Private Finance Partners SA en liquidation, à Sion, CHE-105.292.017, société anonyme (No. FOSC 236 du 04.12.2015, p.0, Publ. 2520751).

    Nouvelle adresse:
    Rue du Mont 17, 1950 Sion.

    SOGC 126/2016 - 01.07.2016
    Categories: Bankruptcy

    Publication number: 2918457, Commercial Registry Office Valais

    1. Débitrice: Private Finance Partners SA, 1950 Sion
    2. Délai pour contester l'état de collocation: 20 jours après la publication
    3. Délai pour contester l'inventaire: 10 jours après la publication
    4. Remarques: L'inventaire est également déposé (art. 32 OAOF)

    Office des faillites de Sion Le Préposé: Y. Biselx 1950 Sion

    SOGC 40/2016 - 26.02.2016
    Categories: Bankruptcy

    Publication number: 2686717, Commercial Registry Office Valais

    1. Débitrice: Private Finance Partners SA, 1950 Sion
    2. Déclaration de faillite: 30.11.2015
    3. Procédure: ordinaire 3.1 Première assemblée des créanciers: 15.03.2016, 14:00, Es pace Porte-de-Conthey, Rue de Conthey 20, 1950 Sion
    4. Délai de production: 28.03.2016
    5. Remarques: Les créanciers qui n'ont pas encore produit leur créance suite à la publication peuvent se présenter à la première assemblée des créanciers munis des pièces justifi catives. Le bureau de l'assemblée décidera de leur admission (art. 235 al. 2 LP)

    Office des faillites de Sion Le Préposé: Y. Biselx 1950 Sion
