AddressRue Verte 61205 Genève |
Pascual Enrico
- Pascual Enrico is a Sole proprietorship with its legal headquarters in Genève. Pascual Enrico belongs to the industry «Painter» and is currently active.
- The management consists of one person. The company was founded on 04.05.2021.
- The company has last changed their commercial register entry on 07.05.2021, under «Notifications» you will find all changes.
- The company Pascual Enrico is registered under the UID CHE-158.032.242.
- The address is identical with 13 other active companies. These include: BOSQUE ALARI Samuel, Demeter Bruno, Demeter Junior.
Management (1)Source: SOGC |
Executive board |
newest authorized signatories |
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Informationen aus dem HandelsregisterSource: SOGC |
Entry in the commercial register04.05.2021 |
Legal formSole proprietorship |
Legal headquarters of the companyGenève |
Commercial Registry OfficeGE |
Commercial register numberCH-660.1.564.021-5 |
UID/VATCHE-158.032.242 |
SectorPainter |
Purpose (Original language)Peinture, décoration, rénovation, papier-peint, plâtrerie, parquet, carrelage, second oeuvre. |
Other company namesSource: SOGC |
Es sind keine früheren oder übersetzten Firmannamen vorhanden
Ownership structure
No information on holdings is known to us.
Newest SOGC notifications: Pascual Enrico
The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications
Publication number: HR01-1005174164, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)
Pascual Enrico, à Genève, Rue Verte 6, 1205 Genève, CHE-158.032.242. Nouvelle entreprise individuelle.
Pascual Enrico, de France, à Villeurbanne, FRA avec signature individuelle.
peinture, décoration, rénovation, papier-peint, plâtrerie, parquet, carrelage, second oeuvre.
Hit list
Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.