    Check credit rating Timeline
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    Register number: CH-310.3.002.607-4
    Sector: Data processing and hosting services

    Age of the company

    10 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF




    Active brands

    Via Giuseppe Motta 24
    6830 Chiasso


    *displayed reports are examples

    Credit rating information

    Evaluation of credit rating with traffic light as risk indicator and other helpful data about the company.
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    Payment behaviour

    Assessment of the payment behaviour based on past invoices.
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    Payment collection information

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    Company dossier as PDF

    Contact information, changes in the company, turnover and employee figures, management, ownership, shareholding structure and other company data.
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    • INTERNET VENTURES AG with its legal headquarters in Chiasso is active. INTERNET VENTURES AG operates in the sector «Data processing and hosting services».
    • The management consists of one person. The company was founded on 13.02.2015.
    • Under «Notifications» you will find all commercial register changes, the most recent one was made on 16.05.2024.
    • The Enterprise Identification Number of the company INTERNET VENTURES AG is the following: CHE-280.570.328.
    • On the same address there are 31 other active companies registered. These include: 6 Consulting Sagl, A&J All Sports SA, Bry Air Prokon Sagl.

    Management (1)

    newest board members

    Gabriele Borga

    newest authorized signatories

    Gabriele Borga

    Source: SOGC

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Data processing and hosting services

    Purpose (Original language)

    L'attività di internet broadcasting, intesa come fornitura di contenuti e diffusione di immagini, idee, testi, suoni, in rete; l'attività di raccolta dati e immagini e altre tipologie di archivi elettronici e la loro pubblicazione e diffusione su internet ed altri mezzi, anche cartacei. La società potrà svolgere attività di realizzazione e vendita di sistemi, servizi e prodotti applicativi di ogni genere ad elevato contenuto tecnologico. La società potrà realizzare stages e corsi di formazione. Inoltre la società ha per oggetto Io sfruttamento economico e commerciale di tutte le opportunità offerte dalla rete internet e dal mobile internet. L'esercizio di attività di web recruiting, cioè ricerca e selezione del personale, approntando i mezzi ed i supporti idonei allo scopo facendo uso di nuove tecnologie, incluso internet. La società potrà inoltre assumere partecipazioni in imprese commerciali, finanziarie ed industriali, aprire succursali e filiali in Svizzera e all'estero, ed eseguire tutte le operazioni commerciali o finanziarie ritenute utili o connesse allo scopo sociale.

    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Es sind keine früheren oder übersetzten Firmannamen vorhanden.

    Branches (0)

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.

    Newest SOGC notifications: INTERNET VENTURES AG

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 240516/2024 - 16.05.2024
    Categories: Change of company address

    Publication number: HR02-1006033646, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    INTERNET VENTURES AG, in Chiasso, CHE-280.570.328, società anonima (Nr. FUSC 106 del 04.06.2021, Pubbl. 1005207477).

    Nuovo recapito:
    Via Giuseppe Motta 24, 6830 Chiasso.

    SOGC 210604/2021 - 04.06.2021
    Categories: Change of company address

    Publication number: HR02-1005207477, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    INTERNET VENTURES AG, in Stabio, CHE-280.570.328, società anonima (Nr. FUSC 17 del 27.01.2020, Pubbl. 1004815034).

    Statuti modificati:

    Nuova sede:

    Nuovo recapito:
    Via Livio 1, 6830 Chiasso.

    SOGC 200127/2020 - 27.01.2020
    Categories: Change of company address

    Publication number: HR02-1004814817, Commercial Registry Office Appenzell I. Rh., (310)

    INTERNET VENTURES AG, in Appenzell, CHE-280.570.328, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 213 vom 02.11.2016, Publ. 3140539). Die Gesellschaft wird infolge Verlegung des Sitzes nach Stabio im Handelsregister des Kantons Tessin eingetragen und im Handelsregister des Kantons Appenzell Innerrhoden von Amtes wegen gelöscht.

    Hit list

    Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.
