• Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont

    Check credit rating Timeline
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    Register number: CH-670.9.003.076-5
    Sector: Facility management

    Age of the company

    21 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF

    Capital unknown



    Active brands


    Reports for Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont

    *displayed reports are examples

    Credit rating information

    Evaluation of credit rating with traffic light as risk indicator and other helpful data about the company.
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    Economic information

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    Payment behaviour

    Assessment of the payment behaviour based on past invoices.
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    Payment collection information

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    Company dossier as PDF

    Contact information, changes in the company, turnover and employee figures, management, ownership, shareholding structure and other company data.
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    About Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont

    • Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont with its legal headquarters in Delémont is active. Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont operates in the sector «Facility management».
    • There is one active person registered in the management.
    • All modifications to the commercial register entry can be found under «Notifications». The most recent modification was made on 22.09.2023.
    • The UID registered in the commercial register of JU is CHE-470.311.708.
    • There are 6 other active companies that have registered an identical address. These include: Artionet Sàrl, L'Atelier des sens, Anliker Pierre-André, Milani Architecture Sàrl, succursale de Delémont.

    Management (1)

    For the supreme institution of the company, please look at the head office

    newest authorized signatories

    Cyril Magnan

    Source: SOGC

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Facility management

    Purpose (Original language)

    Zweck der Gesellschaft ist die Organisation und Durchführung sämtlicher Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Gebäudereinigung, der Facility Services und verwandten Gebieten. Die Gesellschaft kann Liegenschaften im In- und Ausland erwerben, verwalten, überbauen und veräussern oder sich daran beteiligen, im In- und Ausland Zweigniederlassungen errichten, sich an andern Unternehmen des In- und Auslandes beteiligen, gleichartige oder verwandte Unternehmen erwerben oder errichten sowie alle Massnahmen treffen, Geschäfte eingehen oder Verträge abschliessen, die geeignet sind, den Geschäftszweck der Gesellschaft zu erreichen oder die direkt oder indirekt damit in Zusammenhang stehen.

    Customise the company purpose with just a few clicks.

    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Past and translated company names

    • Honegger Nettoyages SA, succursale de Delémont
    Would you like to update the company name? Click here.

    Head office

    Honegger AG in Köniz

    Other branches (23)

    Honegger AG in Neuenhof
    Honegger AG in Untervaz
    Honegger AG in Eyholz
    Honegger SA in Bulle
    Honegger SA in Porrentruy
    Honegger AG in St. Gallen
    Honegger AG in Schaffhausen
    Honegger SA in Sion
    Honegger AG in Frauenfeld
    Honegger SA in Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
    Honegger AG in Münchenstein
    Honegger SA in Boudry
    Honegger AG in Rotkreuz
    Honegger AG in Köniz
    Honegger AG in Fribourg
    Honegger SA in Petit-Lancy
    Honegger AG in Langendorf
    Honegger AG in Zürich

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 230922/2023 - 22.09.2023
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005844242, Commercial Registry Office Jura, (670)

    Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont, à Delémont, CHE-470.311.708, succursale suisse (No. FOSC 161 du 22.08.2023, Publ. 1005821576).

    Siège principal à:

    Personne(s) et signature(s) radiée(s):
    Zanetta, Catherine, de Le Bémont (JU), à Cornol, avec procuration collective à deux limitée à la succursale.

    SOGC 230822/2023 - 22.08.2023
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005821576, Commercial Registry Office Jura, (670)

    Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont, à Delémont, CHE-470.311.708, succursale suisse (No. FOSC 135 du 14.07.2022, Publ. 1005521423).

    Siège principal à:

    Inscription ou modification de personne(s):
    Magnan, Cyril, de Lausanne, à Le Landeron, avec procuration collective à deux limitée à la succursale.

    SOGC 220714/2022 - 14.07.2022
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005521423, Commercial Registry Office Jura, (670)

    Honegger SA, succursale de Delémont, à Delémont, CHE-470.311.708, succursale suisse (No. FOSC 140 du 23.07.2018, Publ. 4376249).

    Siège principal à:

    Personne(s) et signature(s) radiée(s):
    Rotta, Gianfranco, de Torricella-Taverne, à Torricella (Torricella-Taverne), avec signature collective à deux limitée à la succursale.

    Hit list

    Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.
