Reports for H2R SA
Credit rating information
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Economic information
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Payment collection information
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Company dossier as PDF
Contact information, changes in the company, turnover and employee figures, management, ownership, shareholding structure and other company data.Retrieve company dossier
About H2R SA
- H2R SA is a Company limited by shares (AG) with its legal headquarters in Neuchâtel. H2R SA belongs to the industry «Temp agency services» and is currently active.
- The company was founded on 16.02.2017 and has 3 persons in its management.
- On the 22.03.2023 the commercial register entry of the company was last changed. Under «Notifications» you will find all changes.
- The Enterprise Identification Number of the company H2R SA is the following: CHE-315.589.856.
- BM Finance Holding SA, BS & Associés Immo SA, BS & Associés SA are registered at the same address.
Management (3)
newest board members
newest authorized signatories
Emilie L'Eplattenier,
Françoise Gueniat,
Joël Ephrem Gueniat
Commercial register information
Entry in the commercial register
Legal form
Company limited by shares (AG)
Legal headquarters of the company
Commercial Registry Office
Commercial register number
Temp agency services
Purpose (Original language)
Conseil en gestion d'entreprise; recruter, sélectionner et placer de façon stable ou temporaire, du personnel non-cadre et spécialiste auprès d'entreprises; assistance et conseil dans le domaine des ressources humaines; recrutement, formation, assessment, outsourcing et coaching (pour but complet, cf. statuts).
Other company names
Es sind keine früheren oder übersetzten Firmannamen vorhanden.
Would you like to update the company name? Click here.Branches (0)
Ownership structure
Newest SOGC notifications: H2R SA
The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications
Publication number: HR02-1005706828, Commercial Registry Office Neuenburg, (645)
H2R SA, à Neuchâtel, CHE-315.589.856 (FOSC du 20.12.2021, p. 0/1005362114). Gueniat Françoise et Gueniat Joël sont maintenant domiciliés à Spiez.
Publication number: HR02-1005362114, Commercial Registry Office Neuenburg, (645)
H2R SA, à Neuchâtel, CHE-315.589.856 (FOSC du 08.06.2020, p. 0/1004905422). Procuration collective à deux a été conférée à L'Eplattenier Emilie, de Val-de-Ruz, à La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Publication number: HR02-1004905422, Commercial Registry Office Neuenburg, (645)
H2R SA, à Neuchâtel, CHE-315.589.856 (FOSC du 05.03.2019, p. 0/1004580829). Tico Valérie Sandra n'est plus administratrice;
ses pouvoirs sont radiés.
Gueniat Françoise, présidente, et Gueniat Joël, tous deux de Courroux, à La Neuveville, lesquels signent individuellement.
Hit list
Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.