Reports for Gi Group SA
Credit rating information
Evaluation of credit rating with traffic light as risk indicator and other helpful data about the company.Find out more
Economic information
Comprehensive information about the economic situation of a company.Find out more
Payment collection information
Overview of current and past debt enforcement proceedings.Find out more
Company dossier as PDF
Contact information, changes in the company, turnover and employee figures, management, ownership, shareholding structure and other company data.Retrieve company dossier
About Gi Group SA
- Gi Group SA with its legal headquarters in Luzern is active. Gi Group SA operates in the sector «Temp agency services».
- The management of the company Gi Group SA consists of 0 persons. The foundation of the company took place on 22.12.2016.
- The last commercial register change was made on 29.10.2024. All changes can be viewed under the section «Notifications» and saved as a PDF.
- The company Gi Group SA is registered under the UID CHE-444.758.050.
- There are 2 other active companies registered at the same address. These include: Escape Company GmbH, Love & Care.
Commercial register information
Entry in the commercial register
Legal form
Branch with head office in Switzerland
Legal headquarters of the company
Commercial Registry Office
Commercial register number
CHE-108.706.417 VAT
Temp agency services
Purpose (Original language)
Recruter, sélectionner et placer, de façon stable ou temporaire du personnel dans le domaine technique, commercial, administratif, médical, financier et bancaire auprès d'entreprises; assistance dans le domaine du personnel, le recrutement et la formation des cadres, l'administration et la représentation d'autres sociétés.
Other company names
Past and translated company names
- Gi Group AG
- Gi Group Inc.
- Gi Group Ltd
- Eupro SA
- Eupro AG
Head office
Other branches (53)
Ownership structure
Newest SOGC notifications: Gi Group SA
The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications
Publication number: HR02-1006164911, Commercial Registry Office Lucerne, (100)
Gi Group SA, in Luzern, CHE-444.758.050, schweizerische Zweigniederlassung (SHAB Nr. 166 vom 28.08.2024, Publ. 1006115984).
Hauptsitz in:
Ausgeschiedene Personen und erloschene Unterschriften:
Marfurt, Bruno, von Dagmersellen, in Hünenberg, mit Kollektivprokura zu zweien.
Publication number: HR02-1006115984, Commercial Registry Office Lucerne, (100)
Gi Group AG, in Luzern, CHE-444.758.050, schweizerische Zweigniederlassung (SHAB Nr. 234 vom 01.12.2023, Publ. 1005898621).
Hauptsitz in:
St. Gallen.
Firma neu:
Gi Group SA.
Uebersetzungen der Firma neu:
(Gi Group AG) (Gi Group Inc.).
Neue Identifikationsnummer Hauptsitz:
CHE-105.861.694 [bisher: CHE-108.706.417].
Firma Hauptsitz neu:
Gi Group SA (Gi Group AG) (Gi Group Inc.) [bisher: Gi Group AG (Gi Group Ltd) (Gi Group SA)].
Hauptsitz neu:
Neuchâtel [bisher: St. Gallen].
Angaben zur Zweigniederlassung neu:
Infolge Fusion der Gi Group AG, in St. Gallen (CHE-108.706.417), mit der Kelly Services (Suisse) SA (neu: Gi Group SA), in Neuchâtel (CHE-105.861.694), wird die Zweigniederlassung gemäss Art. 112 HRegV als Zweigniederlassung der Kelly Services (Suisse) SA (neu: Gi Group SA) weitergeführt.