• Crestageo AG

    Check credit rating Timeline
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    Register number: CH-501.9.015.633-5
    Sector: Other construction

    Age of the company

    8 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF

    Capital unknown



    Active brands


    Reports for Crestageo AG

    *displayed reports are examples

    Credit rating information

    Evaluation of credit rating with traffic light as risk indicator and other helpful data about the company.
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    Economic information

    Comprehensive information about the economic situation of a company.
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    Payment behaviour

    Assessment of the payment behaviour based on past invoices.
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    Payment collection information

    Overview of current and past debt enforcement proceedings.
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    Company dossier as PDF

    Contact information, changes in the company, turnover and employee figures, management, ownership, shareholding structure and other company data.
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    About Crestageo AG

    • Crestageo AG has its legal headquarters in Lumino, is active and operates in the sector «Other construction».
    • There are 0 active persons registered in the management.
    • Under «Notifications» you can see all modifications to the commercial register entry. The most recent modification was on 04.01.2022.
    • The company is registered in the commercial register TI under the UID CHE-456.118.064.


    No managers have been registered.

    Source: SOGC

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Other construction

    Purpose (Original language)

    Die Gesellschaft bezweckt die Beratung, Planung, Herstellung und Ausführung von Schutzmassnahmen gegen Naturgefahren, von Holz- und Metallkonstruktionen, Baugrunduntersuchungen, Sondier- und Flachbohrungen, sowie den Handel mit diesen Zwecken dienenden Produkten; vollständige Zweckumschreibung gemäss Statuten.

    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Es sind keine früheren oder übersetzten Firmannamen vorhanden.

    Head office

    CRESTAGEO AG in Chur

    Other branches (4)

    CRESTAGEO AG in S. Vittore
    CRESTAGEO AG in Cunter
    CRESTAGEO AG in Ilanz
    CRESTAGEO AG in Davos Platz

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.


    Source: Swissreg
    Trademark Registration date Status Number
    to the trademark 23.10.2002 active 07107/2002

    Newest SOGC notifications: Crestageo AG

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 220104/2022 - 04.01.2022
    Categories: Change of company address

    Publication number: HR02-1005373005, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    Crestageo AG, in Bellinzona, CHE-456.118.064, succursale svizzera (Nr. FUSC 91 del 12.05.2020, Pubbl. 1004887842).

    Sede principale a:

    Nuova sede:

    Nuovo recapito:
    Via Bellinzona 7, 6533 Lumino.

    SOGC 200512/2020 - 12.05.2020
    Categories: Miscellaneous changes

    Publication number: HR02-1004887842, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    Crestageo AG, in Bellinzona, CHE-456.118.064, succursale svizzera (Nr. FUSC 53 del 17.03.2020, Pubbl. 1004854548).

    Sede principale a:

    Nuovo nome della ditta della sede principale:
    CRESTAGEO AG (CRESTAGEO SA) (CRESTAGEO Ltd) [finora: Ditta della sede principale: Crestageo AG].

    SOGC 200317/2020 - 17.03.2020
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1004854548, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    Crestageo AG, in Bellinzona, CHE-456.118.064, succursale svizzera (Nr. FUSC 250 del 27.12.2018, Pubbl. 1004531297).

    Sede principale a:

    Persone dimissionarie e firme cancellate:
    Gervasi, Franco, da Poschiavo, in Poschiavo, con procura collettiva a due.
