• Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG

    Check credit rating Timeline
    Check credit ratingCredit rating
    Register number: CH-514.3.000.039-6
    Sector: Management of real estate portfolio properties

    Age of the company

    48 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF

    3,0 Mio.



    Active brands

    c/o Lambertini & Partners SA
    Via Serafino Balestra 18
    6900 Lugano

    Reports for Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG

    *displayed reports are examples

    Credit rating information

    Evaluation of credit rating with traffic light as risk indicator and other helpful data about the company.
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    Economic information

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    Payment behaviour

    Assessment of the payment behaviour based on past invoices.
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    Payment collection information

    Overview of current and past debt enforcement proceedings.
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    Company dossier as PDF

    Contact information, changes in the company, turnover and employee figures, management, ownership, shareholding structure and other company data.
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    About Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG

    • Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG has its legal headquarters in Lugano and is active. It operates in the sector «Management of real estate portfolio properties».
    • The management has 3 active persons registered.
    • All modifications to the commercial register entry can be found under «Notifications». The most recent modification was made on 02.06.2023.
    • The reported UID is CHE-100.402.066.
    • There are 86 other active companies that have registered an identical address. These include: Agrisys Holding SA, AI AGROINVEST SA, AKM Group AG.

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Management of real estate portfolio properties

    Purpose (Original language)

    L'acquisto, la vendita, la costruzione e la gestione di immobili ed in genere ogni operazione immobiliare, mobiliare, finanziaria e commerciale connessa allo scopo sociale, solo all'estero.


    Source: SOGC

    Current auditor (1)
    Name City Since Until
    Lugano 02.06.2023

    Former auditor (3)
    Name City Since Until
    Lugano 16.11.2009 01.06.2023
    CF Audit & Consulting SA
    Lugano 21.07.2005 15.11.2009
    PricewaterhouseCoopers SA
    Lugano <2004 20.07.2005

    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Past and translated company names

    • Cata Liegenschaftenverwaltung AG

    Branches (0)

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 230602/2023 - 02.06.2023
    Categories: Change of auditors

    Publication number: HR02-1005759355, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG, in Lugano, CHE-100.402.066, società anonima (Nr. FUSC 203 del 19.10.2020, Pubbl. 1005002973).

    Persone dimissionarie e firme cancellate:
    REVIGROUP LUGANO SA (CH-514.3.007.325-0), in Lugano, ufficio di revisione.

    Nuove persone iscritte o modifiche:
    PLURIAUDIT SA (CHE-107.952.155), in Lugano, ufficio di revisione.

    SOGC 201019/2020 - 19.10.2020
    Categories: Change of company address

    Publication number: HR02-1005002973, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG, in Lugano, CHE-100.402.066, società anonima (Nr. FUSC 153 del 12.08.2019, Pubbl. 1004694197).

    Nuovo recapito:
    c/o Lambertini & Partners SA , Via Serafino Balestra 18, 6900 Lugano.

    SOGC 190812/2019 - 12.08.2019
    Categories: Miscellaneous changes

    Publication number: HR02-1004694197, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    Cata Liegenschaftsverwaltung AG, in Lugano, CHE-100.402.066, società anonima (Nr. FUSC 80 del 26.04.2019, Pubbl. 1004618201).

    Statuti modificati:

    Nuova limitazione della trasferibilità:
    [La restrizione della trasferibilità delle azioni nominative è cancellata (art. 685a cpv. 3 CO).]

    Hit list

    Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.
