• Capital International Sàrl

    Check credit rating Timeline
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    Register number: CH-660.0.121.963-4
    Sector: Fund management

    Age of the company

    61 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF

    15,0 Mio.



    Active brands


    Reports for Capital International Sàrl

    *displayed reports are examples

    Credit rating information

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    Payment behaviour

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    Payment collection information

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    Company dossier as PDF

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    About Capital International Sàrl

    • Capital International Sàrl from Genève operates in the sector «Fund management» and is active.
    • The management of the company Capital International Sàrl consists of 22 persons. The foundation of the company took place on 16.07.1963.
    • The company has last modified its commercial register entry on 10.02.2025. All previous commercial register entries are available under «Notifications».
    • The reported UID is CHE-105.923.680.
    • On the same address as Capital International Sàrl there are 29 other active companies registered. These include: Arkham SA, Capital Group Companies Global, Los Angeles, Geneva branch, Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA.

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Fund management

    Purpose (Original language)

    La société a, en tant que gestionnaire de placements collectifs de capitaux et de portefeuilles discrétionnaires dédiés, pour but toutes opérations d'administration, de placements, de recherches et d'analyses financières et économiques; elle peut accessoirement agir pour compte propre, exclusivement par le biais de placements en instruments du marché monétaire et obligations étatiques de tout premier ordre; la société a aussi, en tant que représentant de placements collectifs de capitaux étrangers, pour but de représenter les placements collectifs de capitaux envers les investisseurs et l'Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers FINMA (cf. statuts pour but complet).

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    Source: SOGC

    Current auditor (1)
    Name City Since Until
    Deloitte SA
    Genève <2004

    Would you like to adjust the auditors? Click here.

    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Past and translated company names

    • Capital International SA
    Would you like to update the company name? Click here.

    Branches (0)

    Ownership structure


    No information on holdings is known to us.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Capital International Sàrl

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 250210/2025 - 10.02.2025
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1006252739, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    Capital International Sàrl, à Genève, CHE-105.923.680 (FOSC du 20.01.2025, p. 0/1006233230). Signature collective à deux a été conférée à Conne Grégoire, de et à Genève

    SOGC 250120/2025 - 20.01.2025
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1006233230, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    Capital International Sàrl, à Genève, CHE-105.923.680 (FOSC du 27.12.2024, p. 0/1006217571). Signature collective à deux a été conférée à Chapuis Jérémy, de France, à Messery, FRA et Wallmeier Fabian, de Röschenz, à Fällanden.

    SOGC 241227/2024 - 27.12.2024
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1006217571, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    Capital International Sàrl, à Genève, CHE-105.923.680 (FOSC du 14.09.2023, p. 0/1005838495). Les pouvoirs de Vacic Sinisa sont radiés.

    Hit list

    Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.
