• AAROSATRADING SA, en liquidation

    Register number: CH-660.2.163.011-9
    Sector: Operation of other financial institutions

    Age of the company


    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF




    Active brands

    c/o PFS Fiduciaire Sàrl
    rue du Général-Dufour 20
    1204 Genève

    Reports for AAROSATRADING SA, en liquidation

    *displayed reports are examples

    There is no information available because this company has been deleted.


    Credit rating information

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    Economic information

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    Payment behaviour

    Assessment of the payment behaviour based on past invoices.
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    Payment collection information

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    Company dossier as PDF

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    No managers have been registered.

    Source: SOGC

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Operation of other financial institutions

    Purpose (Original language)

    Prise et gestion de participations dans toutes sociétés de nature commerciale, financière, industrielle, mobilière et immobilière, à l'exclusion des opérations prohibées par la LFAIE.

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    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Past and translated company names

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    Branches (0)

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.

    Newest SOGC notifications: AAROSATRADING SA, en liquidation

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 174/2015 - 09.09.2015
    Categories: Deletion

    Publication number: 2364789, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    AAROSATRADING SA, en liquidation, à Genève, CHE-199.744.185 (FOSC du 29.07.2014, p. 0/1638153). Sa liquidation étant terminée, la société est radiée.

    SOGC 144/2014 - 29.07.2014
    Categories: Miscellaneous changes

    Publication number: 1638153, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    AAROSATRADING SA, à Genève, CHE-199.744.185 (FOSC du 19.12.2013, p. 0/7225832). La société est dissoute par décision de l'assemblée générale du 11.07.2014.

    Sa liquidation est opérée sous la raison sociale:
    AAROSATRADING SA, en liquidation. L'administrateur Levy Maurice Yigal n'exerce plus la signature sociale.

    l'administrateur et président Retord Pierre, maintenant domicilié à Anières, lequel continue à signer individuellement.

    SOGC 203/2012 - 18.10.2012
    Categories: Change in capital

    Publication number: 6895894, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    AAROSATRADING SA, à Genève, CH-660-2163011-9 (FOSC du 10.08.2011, p. 0/6290650). Le capital-actions de CHF 100'000 a été libéré ultérieurement à concurrence de CHF 50'000.

    CHF 100'000, entièrement libéré, divisé en 1'000 actions de CHF 100, nominatives. Statuts modifiés le 10.10.2012.
