Reports for A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Mendrisio
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About A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Mendrisio
- A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Mendrisio has its legal headquarters in Genestrerio, is active and operates in the sector «Other building work (incl. Interior finishing)».
- The company was founded on 15.12.2020 and has 2 persons in its management.
- All past changes can be viewed and saved as a PDF under the section «Notifications». The last change in the commercial register was made on 08.01.2025.
- The reported UID is CHE-468.530.721.
Commercial register information
Entry in the commercial register
Legal form
Branch with head office abroad
Legal headquarters of the company
Commercial Registry Office
Commercial register number
Other building work (incl. Interior finishing)
Purpose (Original language)
Costruzione e commercio all'ingrosso di serramenti in alluminio, legno, plastica ed altri metalli, nonché di ogni altro manufatto, compresi vetri, cristalli e affini, carpenteria metallica in genere, posa in opera di prodotti fabbricati.
Other company names
Past and translated company names
- A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Chiasso
Other branches (0)
Ownership structure
Newest SOGC notifications: A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Mendrisio
The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications
Publication number: HR02-1006222530, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)
A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Mendrisio, in Mendrisio, CHE-468.530.721, succursale straniera (Nr. FUSC 26 del 07.02.2024, Pubbl. 1005955223).
Sede principale a:
Seregno (IT).
Nuove disposizioni per la succursale:
Lo stabilimento principale ha deciso la soppressione della succursale, ma la cancellazione non può essere effettuata mancando il consenso delle autorità fiscali federali e cantonali.
Publication number: HR02-1005955223, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)
A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Mendrisio, in Mendrisio, CHE-468.530.721, succursale straniera (Nr. FUSC 22 del 01.02.2024, Pubbl. 1005950266).
Sede principale a:
Seregno (IT).
Altri indirizzi:
Casella postale 1445, 6850 Mendrisio.
Persone dimissionarie e firme cancellate:
Valli, Laura, da Onsernone, in Chiasso, direttrice, con firma individuale.
Nuove persone iscritte o modifiche:
Merlo, Aris, da Miglieglia, in Balerna, direttore, con firma individuale.
Publication number: HR02-1005950266, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)
A.B. SYSTEM SRL ALUMINIUM BUILDING SYSTEM, Seregno, Succursale di Mendrisio, in Mendrisio, CHE-468.530.721, succursale straniera (Nr. FUSC 146 del 30.07.2021, Pubbl. 1005261836).
Sede principale a:
Seregno (IT).
Altri indirizzi:
[radiati: Casella postale 1021, 6850 Mendrisio].
Hit list
Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.