Reto Schmid
domiciled in Russikon, from Tegerfelden Active mandates: Stiftung Kinderhilfe des SWISS Personals Connected persons: Silvia Koch-Romero, Julia Studinka, Philipp Bonkatz and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Grimisuat, from Naters Active mandates: Swisstorage SA, RGS Dock GmbH and more Connected persons: Didier Daniel Michel Poirel, Mickaël Chaboisseau You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Dornach, from Davos Active mandates: Andras Treuhand GmbH, Acquista AG and more Connected persons: Daniel Bürgin, Andreas Studer, Daniel Bürgin and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Wattwil, from Felsberg Active mandates: Schmid Ofenbau + Plattenbeläge GmbH Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Suhr, from Schmiedrued Active mandates: Hausformat GmbH Connected persons: Sacha Suter, Roland Unterweger You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Brügg, from Herznach-Ueken Active mandates: Joulia AG Connected persons: Daniel John, Christoph Rusch, Adrian Walti You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Biberist, from Monnaz Active mandates: SAB Schmid Automationselemente GmbH Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Abtwil, from Herznach-Ueken Active mandates: Raiffeisenbank Tägerwilen Genossenschaft Connected persons: Robert Nedelkovic, Pasquale Cirillo, Marco Moser and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Rapperswil, from Rapperswil-Jona Active mandates: UBS Switzerland AG Connected persons: Jeannette Imgrüth-Elmiger, Thibault Julien Tommy Pételat, Harri Rudolf Zoller and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Niederweningen, from Lengnau (AG) Active mandates: SCHMID GROUP GmbH Connected persons: Michèle Schmid You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Langwiesen, from Basadingen-Schlattingen Active mandates: Imarex AG, Ixtegra AG Connected persons: Martin Gisler-Siegrist You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Oeschgen, from Hünenberg Active mandates: Rinderknecht AG, Rinderknecht AG Connected persons: Belinda Waser, Rico Alexander Rinderknecht, Tino Franz Zimmermann and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Baden, from Waltenschwil Active mandates: form + wohnen AG, Reto Schmid Holding AG Connected persons: Wenzel Robert Doppler You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Luzern, from Schüpfheim Active mandates: Global Crew Private Consulting GmbH Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Conthey, from Naters Active mandates: Chu Tèra Sàrl Connected persons: Loïc Raboud, Claire Lise Duc, Vincent Dombre and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Goldach, from Nesslau Active mandates: Fahrschule Schmid GmbH Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Wädenswil, from Arosa Active mandates: VP Bank (Schweiz) AG Connected persons: Peter Vangehr, David William Howaldt, Clarissa Virginia Karin Cody and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Liebefeld, from Adelboden Active mandates: Haag-Streit AG Connected persons: Felix Heimann, Stefan Büchler, Bertram Markus Stadelbauer and more You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in La Tour-de-Peilz, from Bülach and Höri Active mandates: Business Attitude Sàrl Connected persons: Marie-Claire Henriette Schmid-Miserez You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Reto Schmid
domiciled in Etzwilen, from Basadingen-Schlattingen Active mandates: RS Allround Service GmbH Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Reto Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Reto Schmid"
Places where people with the name Reto Schmid live
Sectors in which people with the name Reto Schmid work
Religious, political or secular associations
Trading in IT and communications products
Management of real estate portfolio properties
Production and processing of wooden goods
Operation of other financial institutions
Fiduciary services
Architectural and engineering activities
Trading in consumer goods
Other construction
Religious, political or secular associations
Trading in IT and communications products
Management of real estate portfolio properties
Production and processing of wooden goods
Operation of other financial institutions
Fiduciary services
Architectural and engineering activities
Trading in consumer goods
Other construction
Private persons with the name Reto Schmid
Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.
Newest SOGC notifications: Reto Schmid
Publication number: HR01-1006220492, Commercial Registry Office Zurich, (20)
schmid-consulting-IT GmbH (schmid-consulting-IT Sàrl) (schmid-consulting-IT Sagl) (schmid-consulting-IT Ltd liab Co), in Stallikon, CHE-413.610.090, Rainstrasse 108, 8143 Stallikon, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Neueintragung).
Erbringung von Beratungsdienstleistungen, insbesondere in den Bereichen IT, Microsoft Office und Personal. Die Gesellschaft kann Zweigniederlassungen in der Schweiz und im Ausland errichten, sich an anderen Unternehmungen des In- und des Auslandes beteiligen, gleichartige oder verwandte Unternehmen erwerben oder sich mit solchen zusammenschliessen sowie alle Geschäfte eingehen und Verträge abschliessen, die geeignet sind, den Zweck der Gesellschaft zu fördern oder die direkt oder indirekt damit im Zusammenhang stehen. Sie kann Grundstücke, Immaterialgüterrechte und Lizenzen aller Art erwerben, verwalten, belasten und veräussern.
CHF 20'000.00. Nebenleistungspflichten, Vorhand-, Vorkaufs- oder Kaufsrechte gemäss näherer Umschreibung in den Statuten.
SHAB. Die Mitteilungen der Geschäftsführung an die Gesellschafter erfolgen schriftlich oder per E-Mail. Gemäss Erklärung vom 12.12.2024 wurde auf die eingeschränkte Revision verzichtet.
Eingetragene Personen:
Schmid, Reto, von Obersiggenthal, in Stallikon, Gesellschafter und Geschäftsführer, mit Einzelunterschrift, mit 200 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 100.00.
Publication number: HR02-1006215790, Commercial Registry Office Valais, (626)
Swisstorage SA, à Grimisuat, CHE-114.291.784, société anonyme (No. FOSC 132 du 10.07.2024, Publ. 1006081117).
Personne(s) et signature(s) radiée(s):
Recarey, Victor, de Montreux, à Chigny, président du conseil d'administration, avec signature individuelle.
Inscription ou modification de personne(s):
Schmid, Reto, de Naters, à Grimisuat, administrateur unique, avec signature individuelle [précédemment: à Sierre, administrateur, avec signature individuelle].
Publication number: HR02-1006205416, Commercial Registry Office Berne, (36)
puralpina ag, in Frutigen, CHE-113.607.703, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 160 vom 21.08.2023, Publ. 1005819853).
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
Schmid, Silvan Renato, von Frutigen, in Steffisburg, Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien [bisher: in Frutigen, Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien];
Schmid, Reto, von Frutigen, in Steffisburg, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien [bisher: in Thun, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien];
Schmid, Sandro Raffael, von Frutigen, in Reichenbach im Kandertal, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien [bisher: in Oberhofen am Thunersee];
Suter, Jürg, von Freienwil, in Frutigen, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien [bisher: in Bern];
Gugger, Markus, von Buchholterberg, in Uetendorf, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien.