Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Malters, from Malters and Hospental Active mandates: Schmid & Rüssli Holzbau AG, Schmid & Rüssli Immobilien AG Connected persons: Urs Rüssli, Urs Rüssli You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Ausserberg, from Ausserberg Active mandates: Herdenschutz Wallis GmbH, GW Geowärme AG Connected persons: Manfred Schmid, Alban Pfammatter, Dominik Eggel and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Zürich, from Bussnang and Thundorf Active mandates: Credit Suisse Services AG Connected persons: Thomas Ebner, Alina Buwaj, Massimiliano Campagnoli and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Baden, from Seon Active mandates: Now Meditation GmbH Connected persons: Anina Lony Rümbeli You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Hasle-Rüegsau, from Affoltern im Emmental Active mandates: Valiant Bank AG Connected persons: Atanásio de Jesus Vieira, Barbara Rychen, José Romero and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Malters, from Malters and Hospental Active mandates: SchmiBro AG, Vanoli Immobilien Treuhand AG Connected persons: Bruno Schmid, Werner Schmid, Urs Schmid and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Rüegsau, from Affoltern im Emmental Active mandates: Triba Partner Bank AG Connected persons: Patrick Herbert Däppen, Estelle Zimmermann, Manfred Zbinden and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Schaffhausen, from Ramsen Active mandates: Schmid Property AG, Schmid Polytronic Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Aesch ZH, from Oberegg Active mandates: Ruckstuhl Elektro AG Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Wettingen, from Wettingen Active mandates: Swiss Merchants AG Connected persons: Alessia Zappa You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Grabs, from Walzenhausen Active mandates: ORL-Buchs AG Connected persons: Priska Maria Schmid-Züger, Peter Bürki You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Hohentannen, from Schwellbrunn Active mandates: Raiffeisenbank Mörschwil Genossenschaft Connected persons: Nadia Zumofen, Mauro Pedone, Anka May and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Rehetobel, from Urnäsch Active mandates: Genossenschaft Gefühlvoll Zeitlos Connected persons: Martin Gut, Mario Gut, Sabina Valentino and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Stetten SH, from Hedingen Active mandates: GRUNDFOS HANDELS AG, Grundfos Pumpen AG Connected persons: Andreas Ilum, Mehmet Erkilic, Fabian Thomas Seeberger and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Aarau Rohr, from Aarau Active mandates: Schmid Velosport AG Connected persons: Simone Häuselmann, Roman Studer You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Gretzenbach, from Gipf-Oberfrick Active mandates: Aargauische Kantonalbank Connected persons: Madeleine Wetli, Thorsten Simon Gerspach, Isabelle Bianca Späni and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Möhlin, from Frick Active mandates: Melino Drinks KlG Connected persons: Marco Zumsteg, Terry Schmidhalter You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Ulisbach, from Adelboden Active mandates: Roselyn Schmid Asian Store Connected persons: Roselyn Schmid You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Riedholz, from Riedholz Active mandates: Gartengestalten Schmid GmbH Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Philipp Schmid
domiciled in Oberägeri, from Appenzell Active mandates: Meier-Kopp Service AG Connected persons: Ramon Peier, Liridon Qarri, Waldemar Albach and more You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Philipp Schmid", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Philipp Schmid"
Places where people with the name Philipp Schmid live
Sectors in which people with the name Philipp Schmid work
Carpentry, roof construction and general timber work
Management of real estate portfolio properties
Other freelance work
Other construction
Services for banks and credit institutions
Performance of various services
Operation of banks and credit institutions
Manufacturing of other electrical equipment/appliances
Dealing and repair of automobiles and motorcycles
Carpentry, roof construction and general timber work
Management of real estate portfolio properties
Other freelance work
Other construction
Services for banks and credit institutions
Performance of various services
Operation of banks and credit institutions
Manufacturing of other electrical equipment/appliances
Dealing and repair of automobiles and motorcycles
Private persons with the name Philipp Schmid
Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.
Newest SOGC notifications: Philipp Schmid
Publication number: HR02-1006167463, Commercial Registry Office St. Gallen, (320)
Berichtigung des im SHAB Nr. 134 vom 12.07.2024 publizierten TR-Eintrags Nr. 7'791 vom 09.07.2024 Aurora Hospitality GmbH, in Rapperswil-Jona, CHE-207.646.368, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (SHAB Nr. 134 vom 12.07.2024, Publ. 1006083123).
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
Schmid, Philippe Werner, von Schüpfheim, in Rapperswil SG (Rapperswil-Jona), Gesellschafter und Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung, mit Einzelunterschrift, mit 90 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 100.00 [nicht: Gesellschafter und Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung, ohne Angabe zur Zeichnungsberechtigung].
Publication number: HR02-1006119469, Commercial Registry Office Basel-Landschaft, (280)
Meier-Kopp Service AG, in Reinach (BL), CHE-168.505.466, schweizerische Zweigniederlassung (SHAB Nr. 121 vom 25.06.2021, Publ. 1005228596).
Hauptsitz in:
Zürich (HR ZH).
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
Schmid, Philipp, von Appenzell, in Oberägeri, mit Kollektivprokura zu zweien.
Publication number: HR01-1006083123, Commercial Registry Office St. Gallen, (320)
Aurora Hospitality GmbH, in Rapperswil-Jona, CHE-207.646.368, Quaistrasse 1, 8640 Rapperswil SG, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Neueintragung).
Die Gesellschaft bezweckt den Betrieb von Restaurants, Take-away-Betrieben, Essenslieferungen, das Anbieten von Eventlocations, Eventgastronomie und Hotellerie sowie den Handel mit Wein, Kaffee, Spirituosen, Accessoires, Kochbücher und Merchandiseartikeln. Die Gesellschaft kann sich an anderen Unternehmungen beteiligen und gleichartige oder verwandte Unternehmungen wie Barbetriebe erwerben oder sich mit solchen zusammenschliessen, Grundstücke erwerben, belasten und veräussern, Zweigniederlassungen errichten sowie alle Geschäfte eingehen und Verträge abschliessen, die geeignet sind, den Zweck der Gesellschaft zu fördern oder direkt oder indirekt damit im Zusammenhang stehen.
CHF 20'000.00.
SHAB. Mitteilungen der Geschäftsführung an die Gesellschafter erfolgen per Brief oder E-Mail an die im Anteilbuch verzeichneten Adressen. Gemäss Erklärung der Geschäftsführung vom 05.07.2024 untersteht die Gesellschaft keiner ordentlichen Revision und verzichtet auf eine eingeschränkte Revision.
Eingetragene Personen:
Schmid, Philippe Werner, von Schüpfheim, in Rapperswil SG (Rapperswil-Jona), Gesellschafter und Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung, mit 90 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 100.00;
Süess, Ruth Klara, von Schüpfheim, in Wald ZH, Gesellschafterin und Geschäftsführerin, mit Einzelunterschrift, mit 40 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 100.00;
Ventura, Maurizio, von Fislisbach, in Embrach, Gesellschafter und Geschäftsführer, mit Einzelunterschrift, mit 70 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 100.00.