Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Männedorf, from Männedorf and Signau Active mandates: Stiftung Seniorenwohnungen Männedorf Connected persons: Ursula Blaser-Bysäth, Ursula Schneider, Hans Martin Dietschweiler and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Uster, from Winterthur Active mandates: Cozy Living Lüthi, Solubois JU Sàrl and more Connected persons: Renata Lüthi, Carlo Bianchi, Peter Kehrwand and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Bellach, from Lauperswil Active mandates: Micro Crystal AG Connected persons: Ralf Massmann, Silvio Raoul Dalla Piazza, Robert Thierry Kenel and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Illnau, from Rüderswil Active mandates: Förderverein Cevianer Connected persons: Yves Haueter, Niels Torsten Vije, Christian Schmid You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Ligerz, from Linden Active mandates: Raiffeisenbank Seeland Genossenschaft Connected persons: Bettina Eva Küffer, Franziska Imhof, Marc Röthlisberger and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Rüttenen, from Horriwil and Rüttenen Active mandates: Raiffeisenbank Weissenstein Genossenschaft Connected persons: Tobias Morandi, Cyril Heer, Sandra Hungerbühler and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Pfäffikon, from Rüderswil Active mandates: Cnlab Information Technology Research AG, cnlab security AG Connected persons: Paul Jakob Schöbi, Christian Birchler, Lukas Frey and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Sissach, from Lützelflüh Active mandates: Thomas Lüthi Kommunikation Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Dietikon, from Rüderswil Active mandates: Elektro Burger AG Connected persons: Alexander Burger You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Wiesendangen, from Röthenbach im Emmental Active mandates: Zürcher Kantonalbank Connected persons: Dominique Pascal Helfer, Dan Tobias Hochstrasser, Burak Kesen and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Beromünster, from Beromünster and Landiswil Active mandates: Lüthi AG Mode Beromünster Connected persons: Urs Lüthi, Petra Lüthi You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Wiesendangen, from Winterthur Active mandates: Lüthi Lokalmedien GmbH, Digicom digitale Medien AG Connected persons: Sina Lüthi, Marcel Oberhänsli You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Schattenhalb, from Rüderswil Active mandates: Goldschmiedatelier Thomas Lüthi Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Hägendorf, from Bolken Active mandates: Egger AG Connected persons: Markus Meyer, Carsten Bopp, Rudolf Werner Schnorf and more You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Römerswil LU, from Wohlen (AG) Active mandates: Goddess GmbH Connected persons: Silvia Giger You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Sins, from Wohlen (AG) Active mandates: Tell-Garage Lüthi Thomas Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Hasliberg Hohfluh, from Rohrbach Active mandates: TH. LÜTHI Ingenieurbüro für Holztechnik Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Hedingen, from Schlieren Active mandates: Fahrschule Team Humm, Inhaber Thomy Lüthi Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Oberrohrdorf, from Lauperswil Active mandates: Lüthi Lines Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
Thomas Lüthi
domiciled in Unterramsern, from Biberist and Bolken Active mandates: Thomas Lüthi Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Thomas Lüthi", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Thomas Lüthi"
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Places where people with the name Thomas Lüthi live
Sectors in which people with the name Thomas Lüthi work
Management of real estate portfolio properties
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Operation of other financial institutions
Manufacturing of electronic components
Religious, political or secular associations
Operation of banks and credit institutions
IT services
Services regarding public relations
Management of real estate portfolio properties
Interior design and decoration
Architectural and engineering activities
Operation of other financial institutions
Manufacturing of electronic components
Religious, political or secular associations
Operation of banks and credit institutions
IT services
Services regarding public relations
Private persons with the name Thomas Lüthi
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Newest SOGC notifications: Thomas Lüthi
Publication number: HR01-1006009409, Commercial Registry Office Zurich, (20)
Lüthi Lokalmedien GmbH, in Weisslingen, CHE-390.509.331, Dorfstrasse 49, 8484 Weisslingen, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Neueintragung).
Die Gesellschaft bezweckt die Gestaltung, Herstellung und den Vertrieb von Zeitschriften und Drucksachen sowie die technische Verarbeitung und Aufbereitung für digitale Medien. Zudem werden journalistische Arbeiten für Zeitungen, Fachzeitschriften und Print- und Online-Medien und konzeptionelle, textliche und gestalterische Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Unternehmenskommunikation erbracht. Ausführung fotografischer Aufträge jeglicher Art. Weiter bezweckt die Gesellschaft den Betrieb einer Werbeagentur, insbesondere Beratung, Planung und Realisation von Werbemassnahmen, Marketingberatung und von Veranstaltungen. Die Gesellschaft kann Zweigniederlassungen und Tochtergesellschaften im In- und Ausland errichten und sich an anderen Unternehmen im In- und Ausland beteiligen sowie alle Geschäfte tätigen, die direkt oder indirekt mit ihrem Zweck in Zusammenhang stehen. Die Gesellschaft kann im In- und Ausland Grundeigentum erwerben, belasten, veräussern und verwalten. Sie kann auch Finanzierungen für eigene oder fremde Rechnung vornehmen sowie Sicherheiten für Verbindlichkeiten verbundener Gesellschaften abgeben.
CHF 20'000.00.
SHAB. Mitteilungen der Geschäftsführung an die Gesellschafter erfolgen per Brief oder E-Mail an die im Anteilbuch verzeichneten Adressen. Gemäss Erklärung vom 28.03.2024 wurde auf die eingeschränkte Revision verzichtet.
Eingetragene Personen:
Lüthi, Sina, von Elsau, in Wiesendangen, Gesellschafterin und Geschäftsführerin, mit Einzelunterschrift, mit 200 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 100.00;
Lüthi, Thomas, von Winterthur, in Wiesendangen, mit Einzelunterschrift.
Publication number: HR02-1006008541, Commercial Registry Office Lucerne, (100)
Musikhaus Luzern GmbH, in Luzern, CHE-109.591.967, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (SHAB Nr. 45 vom 06.03.2018, Publ. 4093377).
Ausgeschiedene Personen und erloschene Unterschriften:
Lüthi, Thomas, von Rüderswil, in Luzern, Gesellschafter und Geschäftsführer, mit Einzelunterschrift, mit 20 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 1'000.00;
Lüthi, Martin, von Rüderswil, in Wolhusen, mit Einzelunterschrift.
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
Musikpunkt Hug Holding AG (CHE-115.543.244), in Luzern, Gesellschafterin, mit 20 Stammanteilen zu je CHF 1'000.00;
Felder, Josef, von Entlebuch, in Luzern, Geschäftsführer, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Liembd, Peter, von Kriens, in Kriens, mit Einzelunterschrift.
Publication number: HR02-1005985769, Commercial Registry Office St. Gallen, (320)
Cnlab Information Technology Research AG, in Rapperswil-Jona, CHE-108.544.563, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 3 vom 05.01.2022, Publ. 1005373235).
Ausgeschiedene Personen und erloschene Unterschriften:
Heinzmann, Prof. Dr. Peter Leander, von Visperterminen, in Windlach (Stadel), Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, Delegierter des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift, mit Einzelunterschrift.
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
Birchler, Christian, von Einsiedeln, in Einsiedeln, Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Frey, Lukas, von Reigoldswil, in Dürnten, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Lüthi, Thomas, von Rüderswil, in Pfäffikon ZH (Pfäffikon), Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Schöbi, Dr. Paul Jakob, von Berneck, in Winterthur, mit Einzelunterschrift [bisher: Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift].