• 1 result for "Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana" in the commercial register

    The name Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana is associated with 1 active person in the commercial register. The last change to an entry for Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana is from 11.11.2014.

    Source: SOGC

    Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana

    domiciled in Grenchen, from Ekuador

    Connected persons: Maria Blanca Yamberla de la Torre

    Credit rating

    Credit rating

    Places where people with the name Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana live

    Sectors in which people with the name Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana work

    Operation of sales stands and public markets

    Private persons with the name Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana

    Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Jose Pedro Isama Amaguana

    SOGC 218/2014 - 11.11.2014
    Categories: Company foundation, Change in management

    Publication number: 1815209, Commercial Registry Office Solothurn, (241)

    Yamberla de la Torre & Partner Textilhandel, in Grenchen, CHE-232.903.284, Solothurnstrasse 59, 2540 Grenchen, Kollektivgesellschaft (Neueintragung).


    Handel mit Textilien, insbesondere Damenkleidern, Schals und Mützen.

    Eingetragene Personen:
    Brönnimann, Markus, von Wald BE, in Solothurn, Gesellschafter, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien;
    Isama Amaguana, Jose Pedro, ecuadorianischer Staatsangehöriger, in Grenchen, Gesellschafter, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien;
    Yamberla de la Torre, Maria Blanca, spanische Staatsangehörige, in Grenchen, Gesellschafterin, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien.
