• 7 results for "Andreas Holzer" in the commercial register

    The commercial register contains 7 active persons named Andreas Holzer. On 04.12.2023 the latest SOGC message about Andreas Holzer was published.

    Source: SOGC

    Andreas Holzer

    domiciled in Studen, from Egnach

    Active mandates: A. Holzer Maschinenbau

    Connected persons: No connected person

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Andreas Holzer

    domiciled in Worblaufen, from Moosseedorf

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Andreas Holzer

    domiciled in Luzern, from Ruswil and Luzern

    Active mandates: SPAVER AG

    Connected persons: No connected person

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Andreas Holzer

    domiciled in Ballwil, from Menzingen

    Connected persons: No connected person

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Andreas Holzer

    domiciled in Basel, from Moosseedorf

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Andreas Holzer

    domiciled in Naters, from Bellwald

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Andreas Holzer

    domiciled in Uttigen, from Moosseedorf

    Credit rating

    Credit rating

    Places where people with the name Andreas Holzer live

    Sectors in which people with the name Andreas Holzer work

    Locksmithery, smithy and workshops

    Operation of an insurance company

    Management of real estate portfolio properties

    IT services

    Operation of banks and credit institutions

    Operation of medical and dental practices

    Operation of hospitals

    Other construction

    Operation of other financial institutions

    Private persons with the name Andreas Holzer

    Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Andreas Holzer

    SOGC 231204/2023 - 04.12.2023
    Categories: Liquidation, Change of company name, Change of company address, Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005900494, Commercial Registry Office Valais, (626)

    OpthaPro Sàrl, à Sion, CHE-238.762.881, société à responsabilité limitée (No. FOSC 114 du 15.06.2022, Publ. 1005496515).

    Nouvelle raison sociale:
    OpthaPro Sàrl en liquidation.

    Autres adresses:
    c/o Vista Alpina Augenklinik AG, Bahnhofplatz 1a, 3930 Viège (adresse de liquidation). La société est dissoute par décision de l'assemblée des associés du 20.11.2023.

    Inscription ou modification de personne(s):
    Holzer, Andreas, de Bellwald, à Naters, liquidateur, avec signature individuelle.

    SOGC 230810/2023 - 10.08.2023
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005814210, Commercial Registry Office Valais, (600)

    Vista Alpina Augenklinik AG, in Visp, CHE-114.162.336, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 99 vom 23.05.2022, Publ. 1005480275).

    Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
    Holzer, Andreas, von Bellwald, in Naters, Geschäftsführer, ohne Zeichnungsberechtigung.

    SOGC 230803/2023 - 03.08.2023
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005809290, Commercial Registry Office Basel-Stadt, (270)

    Bardusch AG, in Basel, CHE-101.995.918, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 111 vom 12.06.2023, Publ. 1005766286).

    Ausgeschiedene Personen und erloschene Unterschriften:
    Kuck, Oliver, deutscher Staatsangehöriger, in Durlach (DE), Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien.

    Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
    Holzer, Andreas, von Zürich, in Küsnacht (ZH), Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien [bisher: Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, Delegierter des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien].
