• 1 result for "Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung" in the commercial register

    The number of entries in the commercial register for the name Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung amounts to 1. The last SOGC notification with the name Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung is from 13.05.1997.

    Source: SOGC

    Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung

    domiciled in Frauenfeld, from Winterthur

    Connected persons: No connected person

    Credit rating

    Credit rating

    Places where people with the name Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung live

    Sectors in which people with the name Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung work

    Trading with various goods

    Private persons with the name Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung

    Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Tak Kwan Häsli-Hung

    SOGC 1997089/1997 - 13.05.1997
    Categories: Company foundation, Change in management

    Commercial Registry Office Zurich, (20)

    Tak-Kwan Häsli-Hung, Import-Export & Reisen, in Zürich, Triemlistrasse 89, 8047 Zürich, Einzelfirma (Neueintragung).

    Import, Export und Handel mit Metallen, Mineralien, Textilien und Industrieprodukten sowie Durchführung von Reiseveranstaltungen.

    Eingetragene Personen:
    Häsli-Hung, Tak Kwan, von Winterthur, in Frauenfeld, Inhaberin, mit Einzelunterschrift.
