Christian Graf
domiciled in Meilen, from Rebstein Active mandates: UBS Business Solutions AG, UBS Switzerland AG and more Connected persons: Stefan Daniel Kohli, Matthias Buchli Luchsinger, Jomy Kiriyanthan and more You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Engelburg, from Appenzell Active mandates: Schweinemast Zinggenhub GmbH, INDOOR SWISS SHOOTING AG Connected persons: Lukas Graf, Claudia Villiger, Regula Ryf and more You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Winterthur, from Heiden Active mandates: Boa Lingua AG Connected persons: Thomas Max Fasel, Annett Raue, Kurt Krummenacher You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Horgen, from Reute (AR) Active mandates: Christian Graf Gartengestaltung Connected persons: Manuela Graf-De Colle You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Kölliken, from Aeschi bei Spiez and Vordemwald Active mandates: Wernli Velos-Motos AG, sparq software christian graf and more Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Maisprach, from Maisprach Active mandates: Hans Graf AG Bauunternehmung Connected persons: Thilo Gemperle, Michael Graf, Rolf Graf and more You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Aarberg, from Wald (BE) Active mandates: GrafBau GmbH Kundenmaurer Connected persons: Silvia Graf-Stalder, Sandra Morandi You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Genève, from Genève Active mandates: Fondation des Amis de François Chevrolet Connected persons: Ian Gordon-Lennox, Danilo Janjic, Michel Schönenberger and more You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Bubikon, from Bäretswil Active mandates: Graf Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Teufen, from Bühler Active mandates: Landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaft Speicher Connected persons: Werner Sturzenegger, Ruedi Schläpfer, Christian Zeller and more You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Seuzach, from Eggersriet Active mandates: c-alm AG Connected persons: Manuel Sager, Donat Bürgi, Caroline Ronner and more You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Winterthur, from Rebstein Active mandates: Printster GmbH Connected persons: David Siegfried Tomaschitz, Philippe Nahlik You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Winterthur, from Rehetobel Active mandates: Restaurant Schützehuus Au AG Connected persons: Christoph Haller, Urs Kühni You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Oberwil, from Basel and Lauterbrunnen Active mandates: Reval AG für Liegenschaftsrenovationen Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Kaltbrunn, from Wattwil Active mandates: Landolt Gebäudetechnik AG Connected persons: Philip Trümpi, Larissa Landolt, Selina Landolt and more You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Oberhelfenschwil, from Wattwil Active mandates: Gebrüder Graf GmbH Connected persons: Adrian Graf You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Engelburg, from Appenzell Active mandates: B72a AG Connected persons: Willi Emil Graf-Eigenmann, Hanspeter Rohner You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Stans, from Häutligen Active mandates: CHRIGU GRAF Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Obfelden, from Wald (ZH) Active mandates: AGRAF Land- und Kommunaltechnik Christian Graf Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Christian Graf
domiciled in Jona, from Lauterbrunnen Active mandates: Christian Graf, Bildung und Kommunikation Connected persons: No connected person You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Credit rating You can stay up to date through "Christian Graf", please log in or register free of charge.You are now following "Christian Graf"
Places where people with the name Christian Graf live
Sectors in which people with the name Christian Graf work
Services for banks and credit institutions
Operation of banks and credit institutions
Livestock and breeding
Trading with recreational products
Travel agency and tour operator services
Gardening and landscaping
Dealing and repair of automobiles and motorcycles
IT services
Manufacturing of car bodies, trailers and accessories
Services for banks and credit institutions
Operation of banks and credit institutions
Livestock and breeding
Trading with recreational products
Travel agency and tour operator services
Gardening and landscaping
Dealing and repair of automobiles and motorcycles
IT services
Manufacturing of car bodies, trailers and accessories
Private persons with the name Christian Graf
Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.
Newest SOGC notifications: Christian Graf
Publication number: HR01-1006206518, Commercial Registry Office Zurich, (20)
Vitopha-B AG, in Zürich, CHE-255.870.879, Mühlebachstrasse 20, 8008 Zürich, Aktiengesellschaft (Neueintragung).
Die Gesellschaft bezweckt die Erhaltung selbständiger Apotheken. Sie kann Apotheken und Drogerien gründen oder übernehmen, um sie später in das Eigentum von selbständigen Offizin-Apotheker/innen, Drogisten/innen oder Pharma-Assistenten/innen zu überführen. Die Gesellschaft kann alle Geschäfte tätigen, die direkt oder indirekt im Zusammenhang mit dem Gesellschaftszweck stehen oder ihm förderlich sind. Die Gesellschaft kann Zweigniederlassungen und Tochtergesellschaften im In- und Ausland errichten und sich an anderen Unternehmen im In- und Ausland beteiligen sowie alle Geschäfte tätigen, die direkt oder indirekt mit Ihrem Zweck in Zusammenhang stehen. Die Gesellschaft kann im In- und Ausland Grundeigentum erwerben, belasten, veräussern und verwalten. Sie kann auch Finanzierungen für eigene oder fremde Rechnung vornehmen sowie Garantien und Bürgerschaften für Tochtergesellschaften und Dritte eingehen.
CHF 100'000.00.
Liberierung Aktienkapital:
CHF 100'000.00.
1'000 Namenaktien zu CHF 100.00.
SHAB. Mitteilungen an die Aktionäre erfolgen per Brief oder E-Mail an die im Aktienbuch verzeichneten Adressen.
Die Übertragbarkeit der Namenaktien ist nach Massgabe der Statuten beschränkt.
Eingetragene Personen:
Merazzi, Milena, von Biel/Bienne, in Bassersdorf, Präsidentin des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Andres, Dr. Rudolf, von Küsnacht (ZH) und Luzern, in Küsnacht (ZH), Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Bretscher, Barbara, von Dorf, in Küsnacht (ZH), Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Grätzer, Marianne, von Einsiedeln, in Zürich, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift;
Graf, Christian, von Eggersriet, in St. Gallen, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien;
Rebsamen, Mathias, von Zürich, in Thalwil, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien;
Caminada Treuhand AG Zürich (CHE-107.854.067), in Zürich, Revisionsstelle.
Publication number: HR01-1006196563, Commercial Registry Office Zurich, (20), in Winterthur, CHE-430.747.873, c/o Christian Graf, Espenstrasse 92, 8408 Winterthur, Einzelunternehmen (Neueintragung).
Die Unternehmung bezweckt die Projektentwicklung, Planung und Realisierung von Bauten und Immobilen, die Beratung und Vertretung von Bauherrschaften, Konzepte und Planung im Bereich Brandschutz und Bauphysik. Sie kann General-/Totalunternehmeraufträge ausführen. Sie kann im In- und Ausland Zweigniederlassungen errichten, sich an anderen Unternehmen im In- und Ausland beteiligen, gleichartige oder verwandte Unternehmen erwerben oder sich mit solchen zusammenschliessen, Grundstücke und Immobilien erwerben, verwalten, vermieten, belasten und veräussern sowie alle Geschäfte eingehen und Verträge abschliessen, die geeignet sind, den Zweck der Einzelunternehmung zu fördern, oder die direkt oder indirekt damit im Zusammenhang stehen.
Eingetragene Personen:
Graf, Christian, von Winterthur, in Winterthur, Inhaber, mit Einzelunterschrift.
Publication number: HR02-1006176148, Commercial Registry Office Nidwalden, (150)
Wortspielerei Christian Graf, in Stans, CHE-236.930.682, Einzelunternehmen (SHAB Nr. 84 vom 01.05.2024, Publ. 1006022357).
Firma neu:
Zweck neu:
Moderation & Inszenierung von live Events;
Projektentwicklung von Projekten aller Art, insbesondere im Bereich Bewegungsraumentwicklung;
Produktion von Hörbüchern & Podcasts;
Organisation & Durchführung von Events, Kursen & Camps;
Beratung von Unternehmen & Einzelpersonen.
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
Graf, Christian, genannt Chrigu, von Häutligen, in Stans, Inhaber, mit Einzelunterschrift [bisher: Graf, Christian].