• 2 results for "Sabrina Burkhard" in the commercial register

    There are 2 active persons in the commercial register with the name Sabrina Burkhard. On 05.07.2024 the latest SOGC message concerning Sabrina Burkhard was published.

    Source: SOGC

    Sabrina Burkhard

    domiciled in Wädenswil, from Sumiswald

    Active mandates: Burkhard

    Connected persons: No connected person

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Sabrina Burkhard

    domiciled in Magliaso, from Lugano

    Active mandates: TiHome Sagl

    Credit rating

    Credit rating

    Places where people with the name Sabrina Burkhard live

    Sectors in which people with the name Sabrina Burkhard work

    Trading with various goods

    General structural engineering

    Private persons with the name Sabrina Burkhard

    Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Sabrina Burkhard

    SOGC 240705/2024 - 05.07.2024
    Categories: Change of company address, Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1006077439, Commercial Registry Office Ticino, (501)

    TiHome Sagl, in Gambarogno, CHE-284.759.250, società a garanzia limitata (Nr. FUSC 88 del 08.05.2023, Pubbl. 1005740866).

    Nuovo recapito:
    Via Limedi 6, 6594 Contone.

    Persone dimissionarie e firme cancellate:
    Bernasconi, Fausto, cittadino italiano, in Mendrisio, presidente della gerenza, con firma individuale.

    Nuove persone iscritte o modifiche:
    Burkhard, Sabrina, da Lugano, in Magliaso, presidente della gerenza, con firma individuale;
    Ferrari, Claudio, cittadino italiano, in Vacallo, direttore, con firma collettiva a due.

    SOGC 230508/2023 - 08.05.2023
    Categories: Company foundation

    Publication number: HR01-1005740055, Commercial Registry Office Zurich, (20)

    Burkhard, in Wädenswil, CHE-471.777.216, Walther-Hauser-Strasse 14, 8820 Wädenswil, Einzelunternehmen (Neueintragung).

    Handel mit Waren aller Art.

    Eingetragene Personen:
    Burkhard, Sabrina, von Sumiswald, in Wädenswil, Inhaberin, mit Einzelunterschrift.

    SOGC 210811/2021 - 11.08.2021
    Categories: Change of company name, Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005268885, Commercial Registry Office Solothurn, (241)

    Naturheilpraxis Burkhard, in Etziken, CHE-477.402.200, Einzelunternehmen (SHAB Nr. 223 vom 16.11.2018, Publ. 1004499522).

    Firma neu:
    Naturheilpraxis Schütz.

    Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend:
    Schütz, Sabrina Marina, von Sumiswald, in Etziken, Inhaberin, mit Einzelunterschrift [bisher: Burkhard, Sabrina Marina].
