• 4 results for "Pascal Aeby" in the commercial register

    There are 4 active persons in the commercial register with the name Pascal Aeby. On 06.06.2019 an entry of Pascal Aeby was changed.

    Source: SOGC

    Pascal Aeby

    domiciled in Corminboeuf, from Giffers

    Active mandates: AGY EXPO SABelgaz SA

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Pascal Aeby

    domiciled in Düdingen, from Giffers

    Active mandates: IT-Services 4 all GmbH

    Connected persons: No connected person

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Pascal Aeby

    domiciled in Le Grand-Saconnex, from Genève

    Credit rating

    Credit rating
    Pascal Aeby

    domiciled in Genève, from Giffers and Corminboeuf

    Credit rating

    Credit rating

    Places where people with the name Pascal Aeby live

    Sectors in which people with the name Pascal Aeby work

    Management of real estate portfolio properties

    Extraction of and supply with natural gas

    IT services

    Religious, political or secular associations

    Operation of medical and dental practices

    Notary and advocate office

    Operation of general healthcare facilities

    Other freelance work

    Fund management

    Private persons with the name Pascal Aeby

    Moneyhouse offers you information on over 5 million private persons. This information is only available to Premium members. You can also check their credit rating to reduce financial risks.

    Newest SOGC notifications: Pascal Aeby

    SOGC 190606/2019 - 06.06.2019
    Categories: Change of company name, Change of company address, Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1004646342, Commercial Registry Office Valais, (621)

    Garage-Carrosserie du Lac, Pascal Aeby, précédemment à Vully-les-Lacs, CHE-107.037.996, entreprise individuelle (No. FOSC 17 du 27.01.2014, Publ. 1309465).

    Nouvelle raison de commerce:
    Carrosserie Aeby Pascal.

    Nouveau siège:

    Nouvelle adresse:
    Route de l'Indivis 2D, 1906 Charrat.

    Inscription ou modification de personne(s):
    Aeby, Pascal-Romain, de Le Mouret, à Crans-Montana, titulaire, avec signature individuelle [précédemment: Aeby, Pascal, à Vully-les-Lacs].
